Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

deliverancelolingatme said:
you know... you're going to look like a fucking idiot in 50 years when someone asks: whats is the O tattoo on ur arm, to which you, the 75 year old man replies: oh, its Opeth. a progressive death metal band!

haha. im looking forward to that:)

im getting the O on my arm in a few months.
deliverancelolingatme said:
you know... you're going to look like a fucking idiot in 50 years when someone asks: whats is the O tattoo on ur arm, to which you, the 75 year old man replies: oh, its Opeth. a progressive death metal band!

Not if he still appreciates Opeth as a band. Who gives a fuck what others think, its not their body.
but nobody is going to care about Opeth in 50 years. even if its just simply being burnt out on the music by then and nothing else. WHICH WILL HAPPEN PEOPLE. band tattoos are perhaps the dumbest thing you could do, next to drinking drain-o.
I can think about a million things worse than band tattoos. Yes, people change, but if someone is that passionate about something enough to get it tattooed on themselves, no one should tell them that it's stupid.
I agree that MOST band tattoos are silly.

Along with a few others, Opeth are an exception. Their logo is quite a beautiful piece of artwork, and posesses very little to no meaning to those who don't recognise it as the band's logo... as opposed to say... a Metallica logo tattoo.
i got the band tattooes to show that these bands mean so much to me that i get them inked into my skin for the rest of my life. i live for fuckin music and this is a way to show it. the band obviously doesnt mean as much to u if u think this is dumb or stupid. or maybe tattooes dont appeal to u.
south_of_heaven213 said:
i got the band tattooes to show that these bands mean so much to me that i get them inked into my skin for the rest of my life. i live for fuckin music and this is a way to show it. the band obviously doesnt mean as much to u if u think this is dumb or stupid. or maybe tattooes dont appeal to u.
no... you are just a retard...
Hmmm... is there something with you.. Yea whatever you like the band alot. but fuck man when ur old and wrinkley and that Ghey little o looks like a vagina ur gunna want to cut it out of your skin.. your a fucking idiot and i dont think that you realize when u get a tatoo when your body changes (as it does with age) it wont look the same. Especially an Opeth tatoo. it will just look like an Olddd Granny Cunt on ur arm.
RiderOfJustice said:
Hmmm... is there something with you.. Yea whatever you like the band alot. but fuck man when ur old and wrinkley and that Ghey little o looks like a vagina ur gunna want to cut it out of your skin.. your a fucking idiot and i dont think that you realize when u get a tatoo when your body changes (as it does with age) it wont look the same. Especially an Opeth tatoo. it will just look like an Olddd Granny Cunt on ur arm.
RiderOfJustice said:
Hmmm... is there something with you.. Yea whatever you like the band alot. but fuck man when ur old and wrinkley and that Ghey little o looks like a vagina ur gunna want to cut it out of your skin.. your a fucking idiot and i dont think that you realize when u get a tatoo when your body changes (as it does with age) it wont look the same. Especially an Opeth tatoo. it will just look like an Olddd Granny Cunt on ur arm.

so are u tryin to say that ppl shouldnt get tattooes at all?
KillerGon said:
and u fuckin fuckface. u try to sound like u know a lot about metal but ppl like u are fuckin geeks that dont know shit about metal and all they do is sit online and chat on forums all day coz its too hard for them to make friends. just take a look at the number of posts uve got. "i pwn n00bs" right. coz ur the internet nerd that thinks he knows a lot. fuckin cunts like you piss me off man. get a fuckin life. too pussy to get a fuckin tattoo thats for sure