Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

south_of_heaven213 said:
and u fuckin fuckface. u try to sound like u know a lot about metal but ppl like u are fuckin geeks that dont know shit about metal and all they do is sit online and chat on forums all day coz its too hard for them to make friends. just take a look at the number of posts uve got. "i pwn n00bs" right. coz ur the internet nerd that thinks he knows a lot. fuckin cunts like you piss me off man. get a fuckin life. too pussy to get a fuckin tattoo thats for sure

edit: i can't pwn you since you pretty much pwn yourself... gettin angry on internet is like being the biggest faggot ever :lol: :lol:
south_of_heaven213 said:
and u fuckin fuckface. u try to sound like u know a lot about metal but ppl like u are fuckin geeks that dont know shit about metal and all they do is sit online and chat on forums all day coz its too hard for them to make friends. just take a look at the number of posts uve got. "i pwn n00bs" right. coz ur the internet nerd that thinks he knows a lot. fuckin cunts like you piss me off man. get a fuckin life. too pussy to get a fuckin tattoo thats for sure

Bravo. u suceeded in making urself look like a fucking looser.. now get that truckload of sand out of your cunt and think rationally. take a step back.. who is the one getting all pissed because someone laughs at your idiocy? U are just a fucking looser with no life listening to ghey bands and getting there band name tatted on you in hopes to suck their cocks. well i got news for u.. opeth most likely would not want to get there dick sucked by a fag looser like you. but im sure they wouldn't mind getting there dick sucked by a guy.
RiderOfJustice said:
Bravo. u succeeded in making urself look like a fucking looser.. now get that truckload of sand out of you cunt and think rationally. take a step back.. who is the one getting all pissed because someone laughs at you idiocy? U are just a fucking looser with no life listening to ghey bands and getting there band name tatooed on you in hopes to suck their cocks. well i got news for u.. opeth most likely wouldnt want to get there dick sucked by a fag looser like you. but im sure they wouldnt mind getting there dick sucked by a guy.
holy shit! that was tr00 pwnage!! :notworthy
This post should be stickied just because it's an example of shitty grammer being used by stupid fucks arguing ON THE INTERNET.
Who gives a fuck if the guy has some tattooes that he will inevitably regret in a couple of years (especially the Slayer one).
Yoda said:
This post should be stickied just because it's an example of shitty grammer being used by stupid fucks arguing ON THE INTERNET.
Who gives a fuck if the guy has some tattooes that he will inevitably regret in a couple of years (especially the Slayer one).
it's "grammar", not "grammer"
the point is in some cultures, tattoos had very significant and valued meaning and importance. often even a spiritual or royal conotation. it is now just an impulsive and 'fashionable' trend to get a tattoo of something shallow and/or un-thought out just for the sake of doing it or "looking cool". they arent nice to look at unless youre a tattoo fan, and will often deter those who arent interested in them, and typically youre going to get sick of looking at it somewhere down the line anyway. in most cases no tattooed image is timeless. whats the point really? enjoy the content with that. dont get a logo stamped on your body just because you lack self esteem. your connection with the band and the music will not be heightened by this act, save your money, time and skin...for something truly important.
since you can get it removed over awhile with new things they have created, you don't have to get it removed with a lazer anymore, thus u can get whatever you want and get rid of it later on, maybe not a sure fire way but who cares, the only way i would get one is for a personal reason to remember someone by, but i don't bash people for getting them either way, homos
south_of_heaven213 said:
ive got nothing else to say to u once u say that ppl shouldnt get tattooes.

Dont worry yourself about those two man, they have just started coming on here to annoy and abuse everyone they can, dont even bother to reply to anything they have to say.

No doubt i will be "pwned" (i dont even know what that means) by them for saying this, but meh.
Keith! said:
Dont worry yourself about those two man, they have just started coming on here to annoy and abuse everyone they can, dont even bother to reply to anything they have to say.

No doubt i will be "pwned" (i dont even know what that means) by them for saying this, but meh.
thnx man.internet geeks like that fuck me off. havin an internet rulebook that they follow. eg:- do not get angry on the internet; use the word pwned a lot; call anyone with less than 45613543 posts a noob. sorry n00b.

haha. awesome:D
This forum is actually pretty sweet, sinse ive been on here ive discovered countless amazing bands and gotten into musical styles i didnt ever think i would.
Mostly thanks to nfu and his crew. :wave:
Keith! said:
Dont worry yourself about those two man, they have just started coming on here to annoy and abuse everyone they can, dont even bother to reply to anything they have to say.

No doubt i will be "pwned" (i dont even know what that means) by them for saying this, but meh.

Damn right u fagg.. go back under ur rock were u belong.