Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

Keith! said:
Dont worry yourself about those two man, they have just started coming on here to annoy and abuse everyone they can, dont even bother to reply to anything they have to say.

No doubt i will be "pwned" (i dont even know what that means) by them for saying this, but meh.
haha i luv these 2 internet nerds man. theyre fuckin hilarious. "tr00" im guessing hes tryin to say true. and "^gh3yz0r" . LMAO. no idea what he's trying to say here
south_of_heaven213 said:
haha i luv these 2 internet nerds man. theyre fuckin hilarious. "tr00" im guessing hes tryin to say true. and "^gh3yz0r" . LMAO. no idea what he's trying to say here

Ghey = YOUR FUCKING GAY and Tr00 means True obviously im not Trying to say True I AM saying true u fucktard. if ur too dumb to understand it then you deserve to fucking die... fucking whimp

and im far from a geek/nerd my friend... nerds are goody 2 shoe cocksuckers like you that can never fuck a girl.. once again like you.. im sure your a virgin and u live in ur mommys basement pale white from never leaving your house because too many people pick on u and u cant take it so u listen to Opeth... Get laid dude... at least try... most liley ull fail