Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

RiderOfJustice said:
oh and for the record...^^^ that is being pwned. u NZ cocksuckers got pwned up the ass and out your throats.
yeah i totally agree with u man.:rolleyes:
*gotta nod along to keep the kid from gettin cranky and whiny*
south_of_heaven213 said:
well i agree that aussie is gay. u should check out 8 foot sativa, sinate, subtract. some real good music here in NZ

I used to be into 8 foot a few years back but ive sinse gone off them, sinate i havnt heard yet but my friends band is playing a gig with them sometime very soon which i will be going to and im not a fan of subtract, ive seen them a few times now and they didnt impress me when they opened for opeth, i actually had to go throw up during their set (although im sure that wasnt the band ;) just the food poisening).
What the hell is up with all the newbies being dicks?

In other news, your tats look nice. I personally would never get a tattoo of anything at all at this point, but I appreciate them. And yours look well done, so I see value in them whether you rock out to those bands in 50 years or not.
RiderOfJustice said:
N e thing coming from or anywhere nearby Aus is automatically shit. by default.

Oh and while we are handing out these facts of life out its probably worth a mention that symphony x is total garbage. I may aswell keep the trend of saying Children of Bodom is an abortion aswell.
What do you people care what others decide to do to their own bodies? Granted, there are tattooes that I don't understand like the hideously over-done wrap of barbed wire around the arm or the butterfly over someone's ass, but (overall) tatooes are deeply personal and are for oneself rather than anyone else. There's no sense in ridiculing someone over a matter such as this as it doesn't pertain to you AT ALL. This is fucking ridiculous and probably the most infantile discussion I've ever seen on a forum.

**Fubar, I could have sworn you had the "O" tattooed recently. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else...
deliverancelolingatme said:
you know... you're going to look like a fucking idiot in 50 years when someone asks: whats is the O tattoo on ur arm, to which you, the 75 year old man replies: oh, its Opeth. a progressive death metal band!

:lol: actually, you almost convinced me to get such a tatoo! I would like to see the look on the face of the guy who asked, especially if it would be my grandchild :kickass:
ugh i still regret that greenday tatoo i got when i was 10.