Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

my girlfriend has something very very similar to the "O" on her wrist, and it's quite small, maybe 2x2, and it's beautiful. she's had it for 4 years now, and it looks great. just look for an artist that specializes in fine-line tats.
i have an opeth tattoo hmmmmm tbf i have it the smallest it can proly go n it still a bit large hmmmm if no tatoo artist near you can do it .. try a tatoo convension or somthing the best of the best will be there and if they say no then it defo cant be dun.
He's lying. Talk to people around town, particularly if you see anyone with any intricate fine-line work. ALWAYS look at the artist's portfolio - if he or she doesn't have one, move on. Make sure you find an artist with a good reputation (once again, ask around), not one that specializes in flash art.

I've got the Opeth tat, had it for almost 4 years and it looks great. But then again, the guy that did it is incredible. The guy you talked to doesn't know his shit. get away from there.

my shitty camera phone picture combined with a weird angle (it's fucking hard to take a picture of your calf by yourself). but trust me, the real fine line stuff in the middle looks GREAT:

Hi the opeth affinity,

I have the "O" tattoo (pic below). I wanted it that big, I just carried the "O" printed on a papper with the size I wanted, but the guy that did it told me that it is really hard to do the "O" smaller than mine because the inside is full of details and told me exactly the same, that if he does the tatto smaller its possible that all the inside details may get mixed up or something like that.

So, my suggestion, ask arround and try to find a better tatto maker or just trust my opinion, my tattoer's opinion and yours and make it bigger! The bigger the better! and more expensive...
Mine was 200 Euros, just FYI

^ that came out really well - I have mine in the same spot, but I kind of wish I went bigger. I think I'd like to add to the tattoo, but I don't know what I'd do and I don't have the best artistic vision...
thanks for the advice (to everyone) and pic Great Old One, im really not sure about going that big. my girlfriend, although a fan of the band would probably cut my bollox off. I'll have to give it more thought
Hey guys,
This is my first post on these forums, nice to meet you all.
I have been into Opeth for comming up to 2 years now and I basically can't get enough of them. Anyway to the point... I have a bare right arm right now and I want to get the Opeth "O" on the righ hand side at the top of the arm, I seen a few pics of this and it looks cool. However, I want it to cover a bit more of my arm and thought that somthing like ivy comming off of the "O" and down the arm in a pattern would look pretty decent, maybe even a candle from the Ghost reveries album.
So if anyone has any ideas on how to make it look good or can even draw somthing up for me would be highly appreciated! Or if someone already made this post then just say and I will have more of a look (Its pretty late right now).
Thanks :rock:
Think about it, is something that will be there forever.
And about girlfriends...mine hates Opeth and she almost kill me me she saw the tattoo (I just told her that I was going to the dentist or something like that...). Since its in my back, I couldn't heal it so she ended up doing all the dirty job, with cleaning and covering in cream every day etc...she ended up loving the tattoo because of all the details and because it's really different from any tattoo you see out there.
My advise, make it bigger, you will have the "O" with all the details and she's gonna love it for sure, just leave her heal it for you.

Here another pic of it when I arrived home after doing it, my girlfriend took the pic, she is the best...

Hope this may help you.
That's what I was also told (in Spain though, didn't really trust the guy), I'm getting the O soon here in Iceland. If they all tell me the same i guess i'll have to put it on my back then
i am a tattooist and i have the o tattoo, and my advice would be to get it bigger and find an artist that has a portfolio showing some good clean and clear line work in a similar style and is comfortable with what you want. Mine is on the back of my calf and is 6 1/2 inches across the O part. Seriously, any smaller than that and i would suggest that it is redrawn to leave out some of the lines in the butterfly parts. you want it to look good for the rest of your life, which should be long and healthy:)
besides, many people who get a smaller tattoo often wish that they had got it larger. but even at my size you need someone good to do it, it is worth looking around for the right artist, it's even worth saving up and travelling for.
also make sure you get a good copy of the logo to give the artist- search on google image for high res large opeth logo or something like that
Great Old One's tat is a good job. if i had a camera right now i'd post a pic of mine too.
anyway best of luck man...and yes get your gf to help you look after it, once it's done she'll dig it, but also remember that often (i don't mean to be negative), a tattoo will last longer than a gf anyway
I just went to go book my tattoo and they said that the butterfly part is too thin to put on my arm and it would have to be really big! I read that someone got told that in another post also. You think if i went to another tattoo place i could get it done?
I've been considering the same thing for a while now and on the same spot as well. If you've been getting a luke warm response from tattoo artists in your area you should really check around. Many of the better artists these days either free hand a drawing onto a stencil, apply the stencil to the chosen area and the tattoo is then traced or an original is photo copied onto tracing material and the process is repeated. Good luck and let me know how you made out and I'll do the same.

