Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?

i'm really hoping to get the band logo tattoo'd to my arm or back in the near future. only thing keeping me from doing it is my parents, whom despite my tenderness for, are rather controlling and straightforward christians in terms of their beliefs.

in any case, as a random question, which would be the better place to put the logo, do you all think? i figure if i get it on my neck, i could hide it with my hair so it wouldn't be too big of a problem with employers or whatever, but it's also not as easy to show off. or am i putting too much thought into it? :goggly:
i'm really hoping to get the band logo tattoo'd to my arm or back in the near future. only thing keeping me from doing it is my parents, whom despite my tenderness for, are rather controlling and straightforward christians in terms of their beliefs.

in any case, as a random question, which would be the better place to put the logo, do you all think? i figure if i get it on my neck, i could hide it with my hair so it wouldn't be too big of a problem with employers or whatever, but it's also not as easy to show off. or am i putting too much thought into it? :goggly:

Yeah, I actually had the same problem. Both my parents were missionary's when I was born and my dad was a paster for the first few years of my life. Niether of my parents liked the idea of tattoos but I got it on my 18th birthday without them knowing, regardless of the consequences. I think putting a tattoo on the back of the neck is really sexy if your a chick, but if your a dude with long hair than your employer may make you cut your hair. In Japan the geishas (sp?) actually put thier hair up to reveal the back of thier neck because in thier culture thats the most sensual part of a womans body. By the way, you can never put too much thought into getting a tattoo. Its on you for the rest of your life, the more thought the better.
what if opeth turns to shit, you've got that tatoo on you for life.

Part of the reason I like Opeth so much is that they have had a consistant discography full of quality albums and they show no signs of changing in the future. Thier not going to sell out and as long as Mike is in the band he will continue that high standard of quality. Even if they do somehow turn to shit, they still have 8 excellent albums that I can listen to. I also have the words "Black Rose Immortal" tattooed right above the logo, so if they do go downhill in the future (as unlikely as it may seem) I could always say it was a tribute to Morningrise, not just the band itself. I can see why someone would think getting a band tattoo is stupid, its almost like getting the name of a boyfriend or girlfriend tattooed. Someone could be completely in love with something or someone at one point in time and a few years down the road feel entirly different. However, I didnt get the tattoo just because I love the band, but because Opeth was the first metal band that I heard that made me decide to devote my life to music and inspire me to get to where I am now. Im in the process of getting my bachelors in music. Theres alot of sentimental value as well.
I was woefully unoriginal and got the O logo (on the inside of my left forearm, about 9 cm x 5 cm in size). I'm just guessing here, but I take it most people who get an Opeth tattoo would get the O. It's such a genius design - beautiful and graceful and delicate without being emo and girly.

Anyone have anything a tad more original? A gigantic Melinda backpiece or something? The Morningrise bridge on your forehead?