Anyone here have Opeth or any other tatoos?


pretty much like being racist.

darkferret you're Heavy Metal Adolf.

it isn't his wife. that picture has been circulating around the internet for a while now, because its such a poorly done tattoo.

I am glad because I laughed my ass off when I saw that. Man those teeth are ghastly! I would have kicked that tatooist right in the bean sack after I looked in the mirror.
because you should be proud of who you are

and everyone dyes their hair black because its the metal thing to do, im going to dye mine orange and that would be more badass
Is this a thread about Opeth ink or the hair stylings of mister DarkFerret.... I will take it upon myself to summarize this thread:
- If you like Trivium, thats okay
- If you like Opeth tattoos, thats okay
- If you are mister Dark Ferret, you have had blue hair
thats true - we all modify ourselves in one way or another. i just dont like modifying myself purely for looks, or aesthetics. i have acryllic nails on my picking hand, and i dont feel any less or any more proud of myself because of that, it just makes guitar easier and produces a nicer sound

but thats just me, im sure many people will model their appearances based on aesthetics
I'm sorry, Mister Vuashke, but I noticed under your name it says Vivec...Is that a reference to MY FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME by any chance!?
it sure is, although im starting like oblivion more because the stealth combat system is way better. ill never forget morrowind though, best game ive ever played
Sweet Morrowind memories. Oblivion is amazing and I keep going back to it. As of today, it is the only game I have every achievement for :). Yep Ima loser. My gamertag is Schlabayzell, send me a request!
Sweet Morrowind memories. Oblivion is amazing and I keep going back to it. As of today, it is the only game I have every achievement for :). Yep Ima loser. My gamertag is Schlabayzell, send me a request!

I couldn't run Oblivion on my PC, so I got Morrowind. Still one of the best games ever with a great storyline. When all those ghosts were giving me gifts, I was actually saddened.....
oh in the cavern of the incarnate

i was sad too, they gave me useless shit and it turns out moon-and-star was a useless ring too. my computer is decent, but my graphics card is old and largely unsupported so i play it on the 2nd lowest resolution. its still fun though, the combat systems are an improvement upon morrowind, but the journeyman-expert-master ranks to cast spells imo is stupid. its better on morrowind as each level has a certain chance to cast the spell. the sneak system is much, much better and the general ai / physics engine rapes morrowind. but morrowind had better quests and storyline
I remember of my playing time in morrowind was spent running around, looking for where I had to go. Thank goodness Oblivion had the map markers! And I totally agree, regarding the stealth system. The Dark Brotherhood quests were so much fun! Especially the one where you had to kill all the people locked in the house. Good times! :)