Apart from Mikael, who is your favorite vocalist?

Garm of course!!!!!!
- Garm should have got that one

Fernando Ribeiro
- deMoonspell should have got that one

Anneke van Giersbergen
- everyone should have got that one

She is simply incredible live, if you haven't seen the Gathering live yet, check out the 'Superheat' live CD and you'll see what I mean!

Jeff Buckley
- no I guess that's just me. But seriously he's incredible.

Official DesolatioN Dominion
I have mixed feelings about Anneke. Mandylion and NB are two of my favorite albums, but her vibrato is sooooo slow. It gets kinda grating after a while. But that only recently starting getting on my nerves, for some reason.

I do love Cristina of Lacuna Coil (Dec 6! Dec 6!), Kari from 3rd and the Mortal, and what I've heard of Floor from After Forever.

I'm gonna throw in some cheesy ones here: Scott Stapp from Creed and James Hetfield.

In terms of singing (rather than growling), I would have to say our beloved Mikael is the ONLY male metal singer who I think actually sounds good consistently. There are others I can stand enough to listen to, but mainly I block them out to listen to the music.
Marco Aro- The Haunted
Pheroze- Scar Culture
Jonas Renske- Katatonia
Devin Townsend- SYL, Infinity, Punky Bruster. Physicist, Terria, Ocean Machine
Dani Filth-COF
Shagrath/Vortex/Galder- Dimmu Borgir, Borknagar, Old Man's Child
Byronde- God Forbid
D. Randell Blythe- Lamb of God
Ben- Soilent Green
Simen Hestnes

and Maynard James Keenan. I just love Tool. And A Perfect Circle. The man has a brilliant voice.
Vintersorg - love his band, and he's great on Borknagar's new album, Empiricism. Definitately one of the best.

Garm - the greatest BM vocalist of all time, love his work in Ulver, Arcturus, Borknagar, and that one song by Zyklon (the name escapes me!). Very choir-like clean vocals.

Simen Hestnaes (I.C.S. Vortex) - great stuff from Borknagar, and also Dimmu Borgir, very passionate clean vocals.

Ihsahn - the Wagner of black metal! My personal favorite vocalist. In each album he has his own distinct sound, and I love his ardent clean vocals from the later albums, especially on Prometheus. I love the clean vocals part on The Tongue of Fire! "The soul... is never silent..."

Agathon - not sure about his other bands, but I really like his vocals in Gloomy Grim. Gloomy Grim is hilarious!

Nocturno Culto - his vocals for Darkthrone are pretty cool.

Maniac - I like him from when Mayhem was good, and I recommend Wolf's Lair Abyss. Did you know he was the singer before Dead? Not too sure on the details, but he probably left or was arrested, and then rejoined later.

Daemon - I really like him. Limbonic Art is an amazing band, and is severly underrated. I've talked to some people who didn't take a listen to them because they thought they were hardcore or grind, or whatnot! And also, Daemon is good in Zyklon.

Im not too familiar with many death metal vocalists. I like Johan Hegg from Amon Amarth, and then I have already mentioned Zyklon. I would somewhat conisder them death metal.
Swano, Vintersorg, Garm, the list is sooo long...Hansi, zac stevens, Mikael (I know you said aside from him, but no list is complete...), Isahn, The guy from Sonata Arctica, Timo Kotipelto, maniac-his work on the GDOW is amazing (and one of my fave albums EVER...so what is they're not TRUE, they still make other bands sound horribly amateurish with Grand Declaration)
Patrik Virèn
Fernando Ribeiro
Geoff Tate
Nick Holmes
And Shirley Manson of course

Maynard James Keenan is also great in using his voice
Female: Agnete Kirkevaag (Madder mortem),Kari Rueslåtten...

Male: Trickster G. Wolf/aka Christophorus Rygg,Dan Swanö, Jan from In the woods...,Carl Micheal Eide, Mikael Stanne,Tomas Lindberg,Johan Lindstrand (ex-The Crown).....