NOLA kicks my dick in, definitely up there with the best of Pantera and COC, and depending on my mood, sometimes better. The verse of Stone the Crow is a riff that I could play day in, day out, and rarely tire of.
A Bustle in Your Hedgerow is quite good, although I hated it for a few years outside of the first few tracks. I have since learned the errors of my ways, but this one is not nearly as good as the debut. A little long and pointless toward the end, but still solid and has been a regular in my always-carry-with-me CD wallet for years.
Over The Under I got a few days ago, but have only listened to the first few tracks because it's been chilly lately. Not ideal stoner weather, but I suppose I'll get a few beers in me soon enough and go hog wild. Phil's voice is finally showing a little age it seems, but that might not entirely be a bad thing. I still say the dude is extremely underrated as a vocalist, he's a bit of a douche when he speaks, but if he's screaming or singing I'm more than okay with it.