Arch Enemy done!

Andy Sneap said:
Well we wrapped up the Arch Enemy album at 2am this morning. It's a total shredfest, :worship: What with that and Nevermore coming out on July 26th in US, it'll be a good day for fans of proper metal.
Anyway, check this out, nice gift from Mike.

That's a hell of a gift, Andy! But you more than deserve it. Mike's signature guitar is the coolest flying V I've ever seen...

Can't wait to hear the new album!
Andy Sneap said:
Just for the record I don't get Krank gear for free, though I get a very favourable deal and they are very cool to deal with.

Andy, if you don't me asking. How much was shipping/customs etc? It's the only thing stopping me from dropping Tony an e-mail, I don't want to pay for the amp, and then be screwed by customs charges.
Andy Sneap said:
Just for the record I don't get Krank gear for free, though I get a very favourable deal and they are very cool to deal with.
Sorry for being a smartass and assuming you got the Krank for free, Andy. :erk:
Razorjack said:
You should e-mail Tony, he's a really nice guy and you could get yourself a deal of your own.

I don't think I'll never buy an amp just 'cause I've listen to demos or samples.
I mean I loved the sound of the new Nevermore and all samples listen here.
I think that everybody should try this shit live, tweaking the knobs, crankin' it loud etc etc
I'm sure Tony would be very nice, but we need here in the land of Pizza-spaghetti-mandolino a dealer!!

I hope i dont offend Andy or anyone else for that matter by this question but.......
I wasn't a huge fan of the last Arch Enemy album due to the poor material on it, so Andy, what can we expect from this one?
I hate to ask it, but hearing you say its a shred fest doesnt make sense to me since Angela has said in the past that they (quote) "need to put food one the table".

Like i said, no offense to anyone....just a queary.

Daniel \m/
Nebulous said:
I hope i dont offend Andy or anyone else for that matter by this question but.......
I wasn't a huge fan of the last Arch Enemy album due to the poor material on it, so Andy, what can we expect from this one?
I hate to ask it, but hearing you say its a shred fest doesnt make sense to me since Angela has said in the past that they (quote) "need to put food one the table".

Like i said, no offense to anyone....just a queary.

Daniel \m/

i havent heard the record yet, but after their 6th album, arch enemy has somewhat of a core fanbase. i dont think angela meant they would be writing radio hits anytime soon.

too bad that chris wont be on the touring lineup. oh well.
Yeah, i wouldn't think that Arch Enemy would be writing radio hits any time soon, its just that theres a bit of a difference between the writing on Anthems of Rebellion compared to Burning Bridges. Personally i think that a step back in AE writting to what it use to be with Andy Producing and Mixing the album would sell more than any amount of simplifying of the songwritnig as with 2 cents.
