Are there any good White Metal or Christian metal bands out there?


Are there any bands out there that can compare to a lot of black metal bands musically, only with a different approach?

I don't mean crap bands like mainstream hardcore (As I Lay Dying, etc), but really metal christian bands, maybe even some death metal.
i'd just like to point out that AILD is neither hardcore nor particularly christian.


and to answer your question, no, no there's not. umm but... listen to "Jhazmyne's Lullaby" by 7 Angels 7 Plagues...
living sacrifice's self titled is decent thrash reminiscent of slayer

deliverance dwelves into speed metal on certain albums

trouble's psalm 9 thrashy doom ala no one and they rule

ashen mortality is good death doom ala my dying bride

paramaecium is.. uh like death doom with funeral doomish atmosphere (on their first album <-- this one i actually recommend, it's excellent) but with an emphasis on the riffing so it's not as droning as typical in that style

crimson thorn / mortification's scrolls of the megilloth is decent death metal

extol's undeceived is melodic death, with some outstanding tracks, but it's also a very inconsistent disc

horde is good "unblack" ala dark throne - the other important bands in the "unblack scene" being antestor (started out as blackened doom and now play melodic black, their old stuff is decent and i don't like their new stuff), and crimson moonlight who play melodic/brutal black

nothing near 'essential' but there is some decent albums that people intentionally overlook

there's another good speed metal band which i can't recall... i'll probably make another post after my mid-term
Paramaecium debut was heavy as fuck, I saw them live touring that one it was like being hit by a brick wall.

Saint did a good job of sounding alot like Judas Priest at times, all in all good heavy metal.

Scrolls of the Megiloth did very well for Mortification, here you can find the drummer of Paramaecium before he quit the blast beats.

Living Sacrifice lost the plot but started off in a good way.

xtian metal mainly consists of followers of secular styles therefore it mostly sux. I agree with Banned, nothing near essential.
oh yeah, Believer, Seventh Angel and Deliverance all made some decent thrash. Vengeance had a pretty gutsy debut album, which kinda freaked a few people out. Nice to see Roger denouncing his faith now too, hah!
I quite like Immortal Souls and although there not christian Orphaned Land have religious lyrical content.
I don't care who you are but I've never heard a good christian band ever. Not because of their views no because usually their music sucks for some reason that I can't place. And it's not just one or two bands no my friends it's every cd that I heard. It's like there's somthing missing in there performance.

seriously... pay very close attention to their lyrics, they are very christian oriented.

We're living in our units
And one thing we can do is
Work for a life without a fate

We don't pay any taxes
But the state is the axes
Of our minds without love without hate

We have a higher order
No one needs to be a hoarder
Our society is such a glorious thing

In our centers we can dream of
Anything you never think of
You can't say we are puppets on a string

Our minds are kept so clean
Checked up on a screen
They're holy men, they're saints
Without them we might all fail

We don't know war and crime
Things of ancient times
We just see it if we put on video

The blue pass is for my life
And the red one's for my wife
It's the only thing we really need to show

There are still some without rules
But I tell you, they're all fools
The Guardians will find them as we've seen

We got banks where we freeze them
They get new brains screwed in then
And act contrarily to what they have been

With new minds made so clean
Checked up on a screen
They will be the saints
Without them we might all fail

Guardians of our lives
Protect security
They turn the key and they step in
Controlling you and me
Guardians of our lives
Take care eternally

Solo: both / Kai / Mike

Guardians of our lives
Protect security
They turn the key and they step in
Controlling you and me
Guardians of our lives
Take care eternally

We're puppets on a string
Puppets on a string
Trouble, as mentioned earlier, are probably my favourite Christian metal band. Not only are they awesome fucking doom to the max, they're ANGRY christians.

I always got the impression they'd rather stab you in the throat than forgive you.
Drottnar (allegedly, though I see nothing Christian about them now)

All OK/good/awesome Christian metal.