Are there by any chance Filipinos here?

Charnee said:
lol traffic yeah. It wouldn't be the Philippines without all the honking and traffic.
So how old are you?
Nope.. where is this Cartimar and Metal Disc located?

Ehh, I'm 21. Cartimar is the street (i guess) and Metal Disc is the store. It is located near Isetann, if you noticed that mall. There are many stores there so i'm not surprised if you didn't see it.

Charnee said:
Man I wish! hehe
Yeah, and I also went to Greenbelt..and at first I was like "wow this is freakin huge" ..then I found out there was Greenbelt 1,2,3 and 4 .. I was shocked and confused ahah.

There's Glorietta 1,2,3,4 also and Landmark and Park Square besides it. And oh SM too. Oh Rustans too.

Charnee said:
Crispy pata is good also. Oh and very good mangos (I ate so many) and we boguht Good Shepherd ube! The best indeed

Good Shepherd ube, is the finest. I like it also.
Yeah and Crispy Pata. But i eat less of that food right now, cuz i'm worrying about my hypertensions and such. Damn, i miss crispy pata. Yeah i like mangoes too, especially when ripe but i like the green one too and especially with bagoong! Yum, yum, yum.

Charnee said:
It's pretty expensive here though.. and when I went to the phils and figured out how many pesos was equivalent to a dollar..everything was cheap to me. I wish I bought more..and I'm regretting it badly now haha

Haven't been able to see much of CA.. but I know there's a Jollibee there.

You must have bought more. The peso-dollar rate here is too high. That's one problem for us, and that's why many of us are living in poverty.

Yeah, i think there is a Jollibee there and in Hong Kong and Singapore too.

Charnee said:
Ohh yeah M-A is good.. I use that site a lot. Have you received those albums yet?

Oh yeah M-A is good for those really helpful information. Nope. I haven't received it. I'm gonna check tomorrow though cuz i'll be going to Manila, recto in particular and yeah in Metal Disc.

charnee said:
Pleasure to Kill is one of my favorites from them and Violent Revolution is good too.

Yeah Pleasure to kill, uhh...kills. I have violent revolution first, and in first listen, right away i said this is a good band. KREATOR!

charnee said:
oh yeah I went there.
which one had the bowling alley?

Also you know much about symphonic metal and such? I've only really listened to Winds at the most.
Reccommend me some good names if you know. thanks

I've been listening to Immolation a lot lately.. can;t wait to hear their new album

I don't know if Sta Lucia has some Bowling alley. But i do know Megamall has one.

Ehh, i'm not too familiar too girl. I like Winds very much but i don't classify them as symphonic, rather classical/progressive.

But i do recommend Therion, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Virgin Black, Rain fell Within, Unexpect, Tvangeste, Haggaard and yeah, Nokturnal Mortum.

I have question, what do your parents say or your friends about your kind of music? Cuz you're a girl and you're so young and yet you listen to Immolation which is very cool, cool, cool and cool.
RosesofShadow said:
Ehh, I'm 21. Cartimar is the street (i guess) and Metal Disc is the store. It is located near Isetann, if you noticed that mall. There are many stores there so i'm not surprised if you didn't see it.
Yeah, I don't think I've heard of that mall.
There's Glorietta 1,2,3,4 also and Landmark and Park Square besides it. And oh SM too. Oh Rustans too.
I went to the Glorietta's too.. I believe that's in Makati right? I remember because I went there my last night ..:( lol ..but SM yes, and Rustans never heard of.
Good Shepherd ube, is the finest. I like it also.
Yeah and Crispy Pata. But i eat less of that food right now, cuz i'm worrying about my hypertensions and such. Damn, i miss crispy pata. Yeah i like mangoes too, especially when ripe but i like the green one too and especially with bagoong! Yum, yum, yum.
The green ones are delicious! Mangoes here are dry haha.
You must have bought more. The peso-dollar rate here is too high. That's one problem for us, and that's why many of us are living in poverty.
Yeah, I see a cross between poverty and very rich places.

Yeah Pleasure to kill, uhh...kills. I have violent revolution first, and in first listen, right away i said this is a good band. KREATOR!
YES! hehe

I don't know if Sta Lucia has some Bowling alley. But i do know Megamall has one.
ohh ok. well I think it was one of the Sta. Lucia's.. I bowled there once haha. Wasn't very good.

Ehh, i'm not too familiar too girl. I like Winds very much but i don't classify them as symphonic, rather classical/progressive.

But i do recommend Therion, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Virgin Black, Rain fell Within, Unexpect, Tvangeste, Haggaard and yeah, Nokturnal Mortum.
Yes, I'm familiar with TSO. Listen to them every xmas haha. Also nokturnal mortum. I'll be sure to check the other bands out.
I have question, what do your parents say or your friends about your kind of music? Cuz you're a girl and you're so young and yet you listen to Immolation which is very cool, cool, cool and cool.
This will be hard to explain. Well my brother and I have almost similar interests in music.. and my dad, he seems to like some of the bands I listen to as long as it's talented music. (mostly the metal where you can easily adapt too) We brought my dad to an In Flames and Opeth concert once..and he liked them ..Opeth more. (he likes the growls) Haha.. its funny I dont' know.
My mom doesn't like loud music period. lol but I think my parents have trust in me to be able to keep listening to what I do and that I won't worship satan or do drugs and all that stuff. (since that's what they think my music is) Which is good..because they haven't thrown any of my cds away or haven't really said anything bad (only when I started to get into metal) and plus I don't liek any of that stuff anyway. My mom is hard to read sometimes lol, I think she just trys to avoid saying something about my music..just says "turn it down!" And I usually listen to my music in the computer room or on my cd player..where it isn't disturbing anyone much. But of course when I;m mad, I blast that bitch up hahah.
Sometime clothing is a problem. I've ordered band t shirts before, and I try to order ones that just have band names...and not all the bad stuff on it or else my mom will not let me wear it. People always ask about the shirts I've ordered. I remember wearing an In Flames shirt for the first time..and everyone assumed I was a bad person and everything. I hate when taht happens. Oh well. Other than clothes are normal.

My friends! I have normal everyday friends. None of them listen to metal lol. And when we talk about music, I always have to steer away from what I like cause you know haha. Which can be difficult..since music is a huge part of my life.. that's why I come to these forums and try to meet different people with similar music interests. Also my friends are another thing that helps me.. my parents know my friends well and they know they're good people.. so I guess that helps with the trust trust thing. (haha wow I didn't realize this till now).. and if I started to hang out with different people or something.. they'd question me and etc.

All in all, my family and friends are okay with it lol. whew

Immolation \m/
PanzerRon said:
Ha! You people are turning this thread into a travel brochure or something...
Damn, I wish I can get to see Opeth live (I heard that In Flames live is sleep-inducing). What a kickass dad you have!
Yes..Opeth was great, so was In Flames. They weren't sleep-inducing to me =) .. the other bands were.
haha my dad's gotta come with me to all concerts..or some type of parental. I'll be going to an Into Eternity show with him in March :cool:
I personally love it when ignorant sheep thinks that I'm evil or satanic when I tell them about the kind of music I listen to. I'd even say to them that on Halloween my fellow metalhead brothers in arms and I would go out to sacrifice virgins and small animals, and some actually believe that. I only have one friend that listens to extreme metal like Gorgoroth and Emperor, most others are into nu-metal or the occasional easy-listening In Flames or Dimmu Borgir; I've given up on trying to convert them.
lol nice. Oh I could never convert any of my friends. They're all pop, rap, country lovers. I think the heaviest band they know of is Slipknot or Linkin Park. Some come up to me to tell me how Cradle of Filth are so scary. I just laugh and say you don't even know. But somehow I can tolerate them all.
If you don't mind me asking, how did you get into this sort of music?
Well, I was 13.. but first I went through the whole nu-metal stage.. but that only lasted a couple of months. (mostly my 7th grade school year lol) My favorite band was System of a Down at the time haha. I started to watch Uranium and In Flames was on.. then I downloaded their stuff ..I was hooked haha. I went on and searched for more bands like them.. and I got Opeth. And I loved them. Then! I was doing a search for like swedish metal I think? lol because..they were both swedish and maybe I could find more bands like them. I came across this board and discovered more..and more bands from all the title forums. I did a lot of research to find the bands that I love now. lol it's been a long road...sorta.
PanzerRon said:
Hey just get a metalhead BF who would take you out to these gigs.
ha I wish, that'll make my parents even more terrified.
Yeah most people think that Slipknot is as heavy as it goes. I love it when people say that they listen to Linkin Park because they can relate to the lyrics...or more like relating to the mental retardation.
Haha, seriously. Those are the kinda kids who complain about how their life sucks just because their mommy wouldn't let them buy the newest pair of jeans, and cut themselves. haha
SoaD was also my favourite band for a brief period of time...I still give them credit for being original. I got into the scene when a friend told me download Dimmu Borgir's "Mourning Palace", at first I thought it was pretty awful. But curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded some more Dimmu and Cradle of Filth, some songs were great and some were not. Then it was on to Emperor which completely blew me away with its amazingly intricate songwriting and overwhelming emotions.
Yeah, I still enjoy SOAD ..but I pretty much drifted away. They're probably the only "nu-metal" band I like. Dimmu Borgir was one of the bands that also started me off.. I got hooked on Metal Heart, Hybrid Stigmata, Burn in Hell, etc..
Emperor ..yessssss. I remember when I first listened to Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk..
Man, the best part of listening to metal is the exploration we embark on to find new music, things don't get handed to us through the radio or publication like commericial shite, we have to work at getting the reward...and there's nothing more fulfilling than finding a band/bands that just work for you.
Yeah, I went through a shatload of bands to get to the ones I really enjoy now. And when I did, it I felt so good.
Oh yeah, expect the sleeve art of the next Opeth album be done by me.
yeah, ok haha
Sorry for the late response guys, it's weekend so no office work. hehe.

charnee said:
I went to the Glorietta's too.. I believe that's in Makati right? I remember because I went there my last night .. lol ..but SM yes, and Rustans never heard of.

Yes in Makati where i am working right now.

charnee said:
This will be hard to explain. Well my brother and I have almost similar interests in music.. and my dad, he seems to like some of the bands I listen to as long as it's talented music. (mostly the metal where you can easily adapt too) We brought my dad to an In Flames and Opeth concert once..and he liked them ..Opeth more. (he likes the growls) Haha.. its funny I dont' know.

Wow, your dad is cool. I assume he likes progressive metal or something with some classical passages. Way too cool.

charnee said:
My mom doesn't like loud music period. lol but I think my parents have trust in me to be able to keep listening to what I do and that I won't worship satan or do drugs and all that stuff. (since that's what they think my music is) Which is good..because they haven't thrown any of my cds away or haven't really said anything bad (only when I started to get into metal) and plus I don't liek any of that stuff anyway. My mom is hard to read sometimes lol, I think she just trys to avoid saying something about my music..just says "turn it down!" And I usually listen to my music in the computer room or on my cd player..where it isn't disturbing anyone much. But of course when I;m mad, I blast that bitch up hahah.

Haha. My mom is like that also. I think every filipino mom here doesn't like METAL or rock music. It annoys them. They rather listen to their oldy songs. I don't do drugs and i don't worship Satan, yet i'm a hard metal listener. And listening in my room is what i do also, but like you, when i'm really in mood, i play Nile or Entombed downstairs in the living room and bang my head to eternity whereas my mom will lower down the volume eventually :erk:

charnee said:
Sometime clothing is a problem. I've ordered band t shirts before, and I try to order ones that just have band names...and not all the bad stuff on it or else my mom will not let me wear it. People always ask about the shirts I've ordered. I remember wearing an In Flames shirt for the first time..and everyone assumed I was a bad person and everything. I hate when taht happens. Oh well. Other than clothes are normal.

Wearing an In Flames shirt a bad look? Sometimes people are just like that. It's just they are not used to that so when someone wears that, they automatically say, "hey you wear a Dub Buk shirt, you're anti-christ and you worhship Satan". That's just ridiculous. But as for me, i don't have any METAL shirts. First, there's no available here except for low quality printed shirts in the streets. Second, i'm not used to wearing METAL shirts, well except if the band is really obscure i will wear it. Cuz you know, there are many posers here in the Philippines, they wear METAL shirts but don't even know what kind of music that band play. FUCK! So i rather don't wanna be one, just a simple METALHEAD.

charnee said:
My friends! I have normal everyday friends. None of them listen to metal lol. And when we talk about music, I always have to steer away from what I like cause you know haha. Which can be difficult..since music is a huge part of my life.. that's why I come to these forums and try to meet different people with similar music interests. Also my friends are another thing that helps me.. my parents know my friends well and they know they're good people.. so I guess that helps with the trust trust thing. (haha wow I didn't realize this till now).. and if I started to hang out with different people or something.. they'd question me and etc.

Yeah, i'm just like you too. Actually, i found UM searching on google for Philippine metal scenes so i found this board and immediately registered. I want to talk with my countrymen, but they seem not posting here anymore except for bringer of war.

And my friends/bandmates, yeah they're cool. But only one of them listens to METAL and that is gothic metal specially. My other bandmates, they listen to punk, emo, metalcore and hardcore music which makes it every hard for us to make music nowadays. I'm really into Death and Black and more on the technical side of it. Well, my other bandmates listen to Alternative and Classical which makes it more harder. :erk:

Time to reply on Panzer's post!
PanzerRon said:
Damn, I wish I can get to see Opeth live (I heard that In Flames live is sleep-inducing). What a kickass dad you have!

Yeah me too! I want to see them too!

PanzerRon said:
I personally love it when ignorant sheep thinks that I'm evil or satanic when I tell them about the kind of music I listen to. I'd even say to them that on Halloween my fellow metalhead brothers in arms and I would go out to sacrifice virgins and small animals, and some actually believe that. I only have one friend that listens to extreme metal like Gorgoroth and Emperor, most others are into nu-metal or the occasional easy-listening In Flames or Dimmu Borgir; I've given up on trying to convert them.

Some actually believe that? That's pathetic. Well, most of here do. They always say i'm a drug addict or something. But i do not have long hair and wear METAL shirts yet they call me one which is supposed to be not the basis of telling someone is a drug addict by wearing shirts like that. I think those people are just losers they listen to their POP/RAP idol fuckers! Hehe, Am i too rude? And my friends, yeah you heard it.
PanzerRon said:
Roses, I assume that most of the CDs you own you ordered off the net, or downloaded? If you are going to Taiwan there's a great CD store that stocks exclusively metal and progressive rock, under very reasonable prices.

Downloaded (not peer to peer, but on some sites) and sometimes i order in our friendly store METAL DISC, which is too friendly that they haven't get me Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry and told me to replace it with something else which i agreed and replaced it for The Chasm - Deathcult but they don't seem to agree again and ask me if i want the new one, Spell of Retribution, i said if you don't find Deathcult, get me the new one. I am not ordering again in that store. I ordered it last October 2004 and yet they don't have it. That's why i'm just asking a favor on bringer if he could help me buy original CDs.

Ok. But i don't think i have the money to go to Taiwan, but in case, yes, i'll check it out!
BTW Panzer, did you get my PM? I hope you have one to give, just one sample. Oh i'll just do it here in public. Bringer, charnee, Panzer, if you have a sample of chthonic, please send it to me at Just one full song sample i'm asking cuz mine's deleted or not backed up or something. I want to hear it again and my UM friend here is asking too. Please, please, please people...
Charnee said:
lol nice. Oh I could never convert any of my friends. They're all pop, rap, country lovers. I think the heaviest band they know of is Slipknot or Linkin Park. Some come up to me to tell me how Cradle of Filth are so scary. I just laugh and say you don't even know. But somehow I can tolerate them all.

Yeah me too, i gave up trying to convert them, but to no avail, i fail. They don't like extreme metal, it's just too hard for their ears i guess. Haha, Cof? scary? I find them funny specially their videos, i can't stop laughing. Yeah they think Slipknot and Linkin Fuck is heavy enough, well wait till you hear Cryptopsy, Disavowed and Spawn of Possession which will rip their hearts out!

charnee said:
Well, I was 13.. but first I went through the whole nu-metal stage.. but that only lasted a couple of months. (mostly my 7th grade school year lol) My favorite band was System of a Down at the time haha. I started to watch Uranium and In Flames was on.. then I downloaded their stuff ..I was hooked haha. I went on and searched for more bands like them.. and I got Opeth. And I loved them. Then! I was doing a search for like swedish metal I think? lol because..they were both swedish and maybe I could find more bands like them. I came across this board and discovered more..and more bands from all the title forums. I did a lot of research to find the bands that I love now. lol it's been a long road...sorta.

Well, you're still young, the road is still too long for you and for your METAL listens. Yeah, i listen to NU metal back in the days where i'm still exploring and such. Then i went to hardcore and metalcore which doesn't last long (the nu metal also) then i liked Gothic Metal and stuff (which i like some bands right until now, i'm now very picky and i don't like Lacuna Coil and Within Temptation anymore), then Death/Black/Thrash which is my fave genres of all. I like progressive and doom too if you might ask. Woah, i have still so many to reply too, wait...
PanzerRon said:
SoaD was also my favourite band for a brief period of time...I still give them credit for being original. I got into the scene when a friend told me download Dimmu Borgir's "Mourning Palace", at first I thought it was pretty awful. But curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded some more Dimmu and Cradle of Filth, some songs were great and some were not. Then it was on to Emperor which completely blew me away with its amazingly intricate songwriting and overwhelming emotions.

I got into SOAD too, we even played Sugar once. Emperor rules, In the Nightside Eclipse is one damn fine album.

PanzerRon said:
Man, the best part of listening to metal is the exploration we embark on to find new music, things don't get handed to us through the radio or publication like commericial shite, we have to work at getting the reward...and there's nothing more fulfilling than finding a band/bands that just work for you.

My friend, this is very true. It's kinda rewarding when you find the bands that you really like even if they are really hard to find. Well, for me and bringer, it's really a task. Take note that we have only dial-up connection at home, so downloading albums is not a go for us. And no METAL cds available here. Why am i keep bitcin' about this? Because it sucks but it is fulfilling to find the bands you like on your own. And i will never stop.[/QUOTE]

PanzerRon said:
Oh yeah, expect the sleeve art of the next Opeth album be done by me.

True? Wow that's amazing!
charnee said:
ha I wish, that'll make my parents even more terrified.

They will be really, really terrified. You're a girl, so that's expected of your parents specially they are Filipinos, a bit conservative i must say, and still you're young.

charnee said:
Haha, seriously. Those are the kinda kids who complain about how their life sucks just because their mommy wouldn't let them buy the newest pair of jeans, and cut themselves. haha

Haha, you are really cool charnee. In your young age, that's really a cool statement. Very mature enough. Yeah, teen angst i say. They listen to Korn and curse their parents or something for not giving the right allowance, just stupid.

Well, guys remember what i'm asking for...just a sample of chthonic if you have some. hehe. Thanks guys. You really are awesome. I am happy talking to each one of you. Keep this thread alive and i hope we talk to some more UM members here! Filipino or not!
edit:..nevermind. You said members.. I said the band (I knew it couldn't be that easy).. haha roses got it first.