Are there by any chance Filipinos here?

RosesofShadow said:
Haha. My mom is like that also. I think every filipino mom here doesn't like METAL or rock music. It annoys them. They rather listen to their oldy songs. I don't do drugs and i don't worship Satan, yet i'm a hard metal listener. And listening in my room is what i do also, but like you, when i'm really in mood, i play Nile or Entombed downstairs in the living room and bang my head to eternity whereas my mom will lower down the volume eventually :erk:
Yeah, my parents just listen to the beatles or sing songs on their karaoke yes we bought one of those machines where it has a ton of songs while we in the phils. Yeah my mom somehow always gets me to turn it the volume down.
Wearing an In Flames shirt a bad look? Sometimes people are just like that. It's just they are not used to that so when someone wears that, they automatically say, "hey you wear a Dub Buk shirt, you're anti-christ and you worhship Satan". That's just ridiculous. But as for me, i don't have any METAL shirts. First, there's no available here except for low quality printed shirts in the streets. Second, i'm not used to wearing METAL shirts, well except if the band is really obscure i will wear it. Cuz you know, there are many posers here in the Philippines, they wear METAL shirts but don't even know what kind of music that band play. FUCK! So i rather don't wanna be one, just a simple METALHEAD.
Yeah, I haven't been wearing my band tees much anymore..because they're so huge.
When I was over there I saw a lot of people wearing Linkin Park shirts.. but I did see some guy wearing a Suffocation shirt on. I wasn't expecting that.
And my friends/bandmates, yeah they're cool. But only one of them listens to METAL and that is gothic metal specially. My other bandmates, they listen to punk, emo, metalcore and hardcore music which makes it every hard for us to make music nowadays. I'm really into Death and Black and more on the technical side of it. Well, my other bandmates listen to Alternative and Classical which makes it more harder. :erk:
A lot of emo/scene kids in my school.. meh. Yeah, it would be pretty difficult to make music that pleases different musical tastes.
Yeah me too, i gave up trying to convert them, but to no avail, i fail. They don't like extreme metal, it's just too hard for their ears i guess. Haha, Cof? scary? I find them funny specially their videos, i can't stop laughing. Yeah they think Slipknot and Linkin Fuck is heavy enough, well wait till you hear Cryptopsy, Disavowed and Spawn of Possession which will rip their hearts out!
Yeah, the album cover alone will scare the hell out of them.
Sometimes when I have a friend over I put on some Devourment (haha) or Burzum and I love their facial expressions.
I got into SOAD too, we even played Sugar once. Emperor rules, In the Nightside Eclipse is one damn fine album.
Sugar.. mwaha I used to be in love with that song.
@PanzerRon: Nice Artwork you got there man! It will definitely stand a chance! And Panzer, what's the title of the chthonic song you sent me?

And oh, Mikael is first, then i think the bassist, then drummer, then guitarist.

charnee said:
Yeah, my parents just listen to the beatles or sing songs on their karaoke yes we bought one of those machines where it has a ton of songs while we in the phils. Yeah my mom somehow always gets me to turn it the volume down.

Yrah, it's kinda fad here in the Phils, almost every beerhouse in streets has that, that's why there's no many crimes and drunk people every night.

charnee said:
Yeah, I haven't been wearing my band tees much anymore..because they're so huge.
When I was over there I saw a lot of people wearing Linkin Park shirts.. but I did see some guy wearing a Suffocation shirt on. I wasn't expecting that.

Yes, you can see people wearing those, but i bet that only half of them listens to the band in their shirts.

Sugar, hehe, maybe the first song i've heard from them.

Guys check out Bane (Philippines), it's owning me right now! Go to soundclick, to download samples.
My first post in this forum...
Thanks, PanzerRon, for sending RosesOfShadow that Chthonic MP3. He sent it to me and I must say it rocks big-time. I'm not usually a fan of black/extreme metal (Gothic/doom is more my cup of tea... Bands like Without Face, Luminaria, Nicodemus, Forest Stream, etc.) but I've listened to 'Battle of the Extreme Evils' (I'm hesitant to say 'Satan's Horns') about for about three hours total since I got it a couple days ago.
PanzerRon said:
BTW, Chthonic's bassist is hot as hell, even with the corpse paint!!! ...


Sepsis- I LOVE that flash..(your avatar, assuming its the evil strawberry)

Dang someone send me a Chthonic sample. :grin:

PanzerRon said:
Roses, that link doesn't seem to work. I can't find the band Bane at soundclick.

You're welcome, guys. It's always nice to spread the word of the underground. Yeah, Roses, your guess on the band members is right. You get an extra-large candy cane to bludgeon the ignorant hordes of Christ.

BTW, Chthonic's bassist is hot as hell, even with the corpse paint!!! ...

Ok i'll just send it to all of you guys. Bane!

Yeah send that candy to me!

Holy mother of...! She is teh hot! Mmmm, maybe i'm gonna fellate more with chthonic, hahaha.

Ok Charnee, i'll try to send it to you one sample.

Panzer, what's the title of that again? the track 10 sample? Sorry i'm too lazy to search. And yeah, i want the Sad Legend sample. I've heard of them and i want to hear a sample too. Please. Thanks!
Yeah, sorry for the late reply. I was doing work.

I'm gonna check out Martyrium. Yeah, bane kicks ass! They're gonna release a full length i think in February or March, dunno. Oh i'm gonna send you another chthonic song, sent to me by PanzerRon. Thanks again man.
I got it in my Yahoo inbox.

Awesome song! Yeah, the solo is badass. Too bad its only around 2 minutes. Thanks Roses!