Are these bands Nazis?

Wrong, there are christian black metal bands man.Check out "Acoustic Torment" though they are more death metal.I have heard many christian black metal bands, if you don't believe me, i will give you some names, but i don't have them now.
Originally Posted by Slaughter Of The Soul
And you're calling me a fool?
Maybe you missed the point with black metal while you where headbaning to your nu metal records?
All real black metal is Misanthropic and Christian hating.
And yes like Extreme Deformity said Hate is the driving force of black metal.
Just cause you find a records with a black cover and a guy with corpsepaint in the booklet doesn't mean its black metal.
My point is that all black metal is Misanthropic and its the way it should be.
Misanthropic = People hating,Hate for the human race.
So Why do you find it so strange that most black metal bands share some views with the nazis?

Divine_intent said:
And you're calling me a fool?
Maybe you missed the point with black metal while you where headbaning to your nu metal records?
All real black metal is Misanthropic and Christian hating.
And yes like Extreme Deformity said Hate is the driving force of black metal.
Just cause you find a records with a black cover and a guy with corpsepaint in the booklet doesn't mean its black metal.
My point is that all black metal is Misanthropic and its the way it should be.
Misanthropic = People hating,Hate for the human race.
Why do you find it so strange that most black metal bands share some views with the nazis?

Wow.....So n3cr0! :OMG:
Divine_intent said:
All real black metal is Misanthropic and Christian hating.
And yes like Extreme Deformity said Hate is the driving force of black metal.
Just cause you find a records with a black cover and a guy with corpsepaint in the booklet doesn't mean its black metal.
My point is that all black metal is Misanthropic and its the way it should be.
Misanthropic = People hating,Hate for the human race.
So Why do you find it so strange that most black metal bands share some views with the nazis?
I agree with this.
Divine_intent said:
Black metal is about Hating people,Hating Christians and so on.And that includes black people.
If you cant take this there is no idea that you listen to black metal.
Maybe Power or Heavy metal will fit you better? continue your pattern: and white people, and so called "aryan" people, communists and fascists...

Divine_intent said:
And you're calling me a fool?
Maybe you missed the point with black metal while you where headbaning to your nu metal records?
All real black metal is Misanthropic and Christian hating.
And yes like Extreme Deformity said Hate is the driving force of black metal.
Just cause you find a records with a black cover and a guy with corpsepaint in the booklet doesn't mean its black metal.
My point is that all black metal is Misanthropic and its the way it should be.
Misanthropic = People hating,Hate for the human race.
So Why do you find it so strange that most black metal bands share some views with the nazis?

how is naziism misanthropic??

it's controversial, but certainly there are no inherent misanthropic political or ethical principles in naziism.

nazis went to war with 'god with us' written on their sleeves, that's hardly the black metal spirit!
I just find it funny that metal listeners will defend black metal to the end. Keep in mind this is music that praises the slaughtering of Christians, is satanic in nature, and in some cases, even worships satan.

How is NSBM any different? This is music that praises an ideal (like satanism) and also sings about slaughtering Christians and Jews. And yes, even satanism makes appearances some times.

So I guess my point is this: How is OK to listen to a band sing about slaughtering Christians, but it is not OK to listen to a band sing about slaughtering other races?
Dreamlord said:
So I guess my point is this: How is OK to listen to a band sing about slaughtering Christians, but it is not OK to listen to a band sing about slaughtering other races?

The reality versus fantasy aspect of it comes into play, I think. If there were a government which came to power and systematically started slaughtering Christians in the modern day, then I think such lyrics would come under a lot more scrutiny. Satanic Christian Slaughter is still more in the realm of imagination, and when it hits the real world it's isolated instances.

On the other hand, the Nazi systematic slaughter of the jews, gypsies, homosexuals, etc, was very real (and anyone who's going to argue with that, just don't even bother to open your trap).

In Jim-thought, the idea of slaughtering members of a religion is a bit less on the horror-scale than slaughtering members of other races because religion is a choice, one's race is not.

That said, any lyricist seriously encouraging violence in that manner on any general grouping is a complete moron.
The Israelis are the biggest Fascists in the world. Just look at how brutally the treat the Palestinian people after the Palestine saved them in the Spanish Inquisition. If any one is a Nazi it’s the Zionist Israelis.

The best post on this thread. Jewish people refer to holocaust all the time yet they block out the images their bretheren in Israel are doing to Palestinians. Not only that, but I ask myself if Israel itself isn't a National Socialist state. Think about it, no foreign immigration! And no mixing with non-Jews! That is a law too! But they do play the 'only democracy' in the Middle East. Democracy I guess is what you would call those settlements that they make on Palestinian territory and all the Palestinians they murder.

Everyone has a right to their political opinions without being attacked by these "Orwellianists." You don't like their political beliefs, tough shit! And another thing I hate is when people get their opinions from tv and start calling other people "nazis", "bigots".. and so on. It's all bullshit, nothing but a bunch of programmed animals. They tell you to hate 'nazis' because they hate people of different color, and everybody swallows it. They tell you that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, they invade the poor country, kill its leadership find no such weapons and say "ooops!" Has anyone every considered that they might be wrong? No, I don't think so, after all, tv tells the truth! M'kay!

Now, I would appreciate if all this bullshit could be deleted since I'm sick and tired of 'bigots' who call other people 'bigots' and don't even realize that they themselves are bigots as well.
The Political Views is not the same as the music.
What im trying to say is that a black metal band that writes about hatred for the human race choose the most ''human'' hating political view to stand by and that is the National socialists.
Sorry for my bad english...
Divine_intent said:
The Political Views is not the same as the music.
What im trying to say is that a black metal band that writes about hatred for the human race choose the most ''human'' hating political view to stand by and that is the National socialists.
Sorry for my bad english...

You have yet to answer my question, Jerky.
Neither immortal or mayhem are nazi's and to be honest, i dont really think that varg or darkthrone are truly serious about it n whether it all to do with the media surrounding their other principles... personally, im not into "pure" black metal but i know of two bands with nazi principles: bachwald oven and kristallnacht... i dont know why it is that people who listen to these bands also share their homophopic and racist principles but i think that its a bit lame that a person will listen to a band because of there views.... then again so is dismissing a band simply because of their views, both of the latter are reasonably good black metal bands, not my cup of tea tho. tom.
Divine_intent said:
And you're calling me a fool?
Maybe you missed the point with black metal while you where headbaning to your nu metal records?
All real black metal is Misanthropic and Christian hating.
And yes like Extreme Deformity said Hate is the driving force of black metal.
Just cause you find a records with a black cover and a guy with corpsepaint in the booklet doesn't mean its black metal.
My point is that all black metal is Misanthropic and its the way it should be.
Misanthropic = People hating,Hate for the human race.
So Why do you find it so strange that most black metal bands share some views with the nazis?

Yes, im calling you a fool still because you still can't understand my point.
Read my 2 previous posts and write below them, that what i wanna see...

When i say "wrong" i don't doubt that Hate is the "driver" of black metal, i say it is not only and to justify that i say, there are christian black metal bands because Extreme Deformity sais there aren't...

You still can't understand me??
Rascian Warrior said:
The Israelis are the biggest Fascists in the world. Just look at how brutally the treat the Palestinian people after the Palestine saved them in the Spanish Inquisition. If any one is a Nazi it’s the Zionist Israelis.

The best post on this thread. Jewish people refer to holocaust all the time yet they block out the images their bretheren in Israel are doing to Palestinians. Not only that, but I ask myself if Israel itself isn't a National Socialist state. Think about it, no foreign immigration! And no mixing with non-Jews! That is a law too! But they do play the 'only democracy' in the Middle East. Democracy I guess is what you would call those settlements that they make on Palestinian territory and all the Palestinians they murder.QUOTE]

Dude to be honest, this is the most ignorant remark in this thread. People who claim that Israel treats Palestinians badly really has no clue about the Israel-Palestinian conflict. I could write a 100 page essay on why your opinions are wrong. Instead I recommend you look up Prof. Daniel Pipes. He is a professor from North Carolina (He isn't Jewish) and he discusses world-wide Militant Islam, the Palestian-Israel conflict in a very objective manner. I think it will give you a lot of insite as to what is really happening in the middle east.
Divine_intent said:
How about you shuting your mouth pussy.
Why should i tell you names of good blackmetal bands?
I see no reason to invite wiggers to the fanbase.

so let me get this straight if we dont enjoy painting our faces white, spewing hatred , runnig through forest with battle axes poised and at least murder one of out friends we are "wiggers"

fuck you man its poeple like you who are trying to destroy BM and try to turn it into a soundtrack to Le Pen Haider and the rest of the facist populists

(ps is your name David Copeland by any chance)