Are these bands Nazis?

Divine_intent said:
Your all a bunch of people loving pussys.
You think that the black metal scene is some happy kindergarden ?
Its people like you that slowly destroys bm.

You know, if you're so spiteful with people loving or whatnot or hate people so much you could always just kill yourself. Other people in the BM scene are killers too, you know. Wouldn't you want to be like your heroes and be tr00? Think about doing this you would really be helping the scene.

No seriously, you would. :p ;)
Dude to be honest, this is the most ignorant remark in this thread.

Well, if it's so ignorant, why don't you give me a lecture on Israeli laws and why Israel has little or no immigration at all why all other "democratic" countries have millions of immigrants. Or, why it's against the law for a Jewish person to marry a non-Jewish person?

And again, if my post is so ignorant, why don't you do a bit of a research of what happened in Palestine in 1949. Maybe then, you'll understand the roots of extremistsm in Islam. Compare the Arab relations with U.S then and now. Do you expect Palestinians, who were cleansed from their own land (800,000 of them) not to fight back? Maybe you should ask your professor those questions. I know that Islam is aggressive in its nature but not as aggressive as what we see today with Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden.
Divine_intent said:
How about you shuting your mouth pussy.
Why should i tell you names of good blackmetal bands?
I see no reason to invite wiggers to the fanbase.

Well, If you don't answer my question, I could consider that you know nothing of the metal scene. I said name bands, you said fuck off.

Like the above comment stated "Outmatched and outwitted". Seems like a very true statement.

You can redeem your fallen self by answering my question, or do you know of no black metal bands?
There`s no point in trying. To him, this has become a matter of pride, so he`s not going to relent one inch from his position, just continue to state his dogma over and over again. It goes something like this:

Black Metal is about being as hateful and misantrophic as possible. Hence, black metal musicians that adhere to a political belief that endorses racial supremacy are more true than others who don`t. If you do not like lyrics about racial supremacy in black metal, you are homosexual and listen to Hammerfall, because Hammerfall is false and NSBM is true.

Or, that`s what I think it is anyway...Anyway, don`t bother with Divine_Intent. Like so many others here at UM, he did not register to discuss, he registered to argue. So sad...
You know, this sort of thread gets right to the heart of the hypocrisy rampant in the metal "scene." The internet "misanthropists" loudly cheer every trite variation on "raping the Virgin Whore" and squeal in delight for misogynist garbage like "Fucked by a Knife," but let any artist utter a word against the Jew and you can't fall over yourselves fast enough in the rush to condemn him and demand his silence.
Ah, this is just the sort of inflammatory bullshit you are likely to come up with, Dying Sun. I`m not sure whether you are just here to stir up trouble or not, but you do seem to have a huge problem comprehending that many metal fans draw a line between gore/religious hate and racism, and they are not hypocritical for that reason. As someone stated very wisely in this thread, noone chooses their race or people, so attacking someone because of their skin colour is both unfair and wrong. "But jews=believers in judaism, right?" Not necessarily. There are many jews that don`t believe in judaism.

No, we don`t draw a line with jew bashing. We draw a line with racism, which is everything Hitlers(and many others)hate for the jews was about. The jews succeeded in every single field they worked in(because they work fucking hard and don`t waste a single penny of their income), and Hitler, a mediocre, penniless artist, thought they were guilty for his plight. You know what caused the first Pogrom in Russia? A king who owed too much money to his jewish moneylender.

I am pro-palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict, but that doesn`t mean I blame the jews any more than I blame black people for the civil wars in Africa.
Fine, continue to delude yourself with illusory distinctions and moronic appeals to self-righteous moralism. Wear that beanie proudly!
I will continue to wear it till it reeks of sweat if it annoys babbling elitist-fools like you.
Dying Sun said:
It's not so much an irritation as an invitation to mock populist dorks. Enjoy, Juden.

I'm surprised you haven't used the word "shylock" yet.
Do you have a favourite Wagner piece?
Regardless, this whole thread is laughable.
I think I'll listen to some Cindy Lauper.
I actually agree with Dying Sun and Divine Intent- it just seems they have to resort to name calling to get their point across- but as Dying Sun said- oh its cool to like black metal - with its obvious references to hate, rape, burning chuches etc. - but once one finds out that these guys are serious and actually are Nazi's- well then they decide they dont like the music- and that is hypocritical- who gives a fuck is what I say- hell does one not listen or respect Wagner because he was a proto-Nazi?

Personally I think there is a split in Black Metal- between bands that are serious and semi- serious about their hating- and bands that just like the music style- fuck I was listening to Nechrist from Nokturnal Mortum- a great band- but if that isnt racist and Nazi- well i dont know what more a band could do besides put a swatiska on the cover. Yet who really cares- we are all entitled to our opinion- so they are Nazi's accept it, and understand why anyone would want to be a nazi- actually I think fascism is a very understandable form of gov. for any human- we all want to be master of our own lives- and many seem to follow orders quite well.

As for the Israeli posts, i think it is obvious that Timmeth is jewish, and Divine intent is quite anti semitic- well personally I think the Israelis have been horribly unjust and cruel towards the palestinians-especially in the last 20 years. I mean I can understand the attitude when the whole arab world wants to wipe you off the face of the earth- but once Israel humiliated the Arab armies for the last time in 78, I think it was time to think of creating a seperate palestinian state.

I dont care if one is jewish or not- the Israelis went too far- and I think the problem is that too many jews have not criticized Israel for the many crimes against palestinians they have committed. I just dont know why so many jews support the Israelis- nazi like tactics- american jews- usually so rational- seem to lose rationality when it comes to Israel- I suppose one can only understand this phenomenom if one is jewish.

Yet the palestinians are just as bad- bombing innocents is in effect committing the same crime as the israeli's are committing against them. both groups seem to be religious and cultural zealots- that will not back down at any cost- but the lives of so many innocents.

Well those are my rambling thoughts.
People loving pussy's? Oh you are far too cool there Divine. Sorry about that. Damn and i thought BM was destroying itself! Now it's me detroying BM because wow! I don't like Nazi's or homophobes or weirdos in freak face paint too trendy to be real.

Colour me bad!! People who are fanatical BM'ers are the strangest narrow minded freaks yet.