Are These Bands "nu-metal"?


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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What is everyone's opinion of the following bands and would you consider them "nu"(non)metal?
*Staind- There Guitarist was taught by Tony Mcalpine. I like some of their heavier stuff.
*System Of A Down- I like this guys and think they're talented even though there's not much soloing.
*Nonpoint-Don't know what to make of these guys, some solos.

Before this so called "nu"metal movement, I think V.O.D., Fear Factory, Ministry, and Soulfly started it all. Oh well, this is just my opinion.
well i like system of a downs first cd a lot. the new one is OK. dont worry about labeling shit if its going to bother you that much. just listen to what you like i guess.
i changed it back BITCH!
Are you talking about your avatar? It never changed to anything else on my screen. I was hoping you'd actually be cool with that request 'cause it really does make me fell ill when I see it.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to discredit your opinion, I was just sharing mine. I don't group Kittie in with Limp Bizkit and Korn, they just don't sound at all similar to me. I certainly don't consider them to be a great band.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
all nu metal. and kittie is nu metal as well.

god, kittie is the worst music I have EVER fucking heard. Seriously, I would rather listen to Cannibal Corpse or N Sync over Kittie. they are just so BAD!
cannibal corpse rule!
Fuck separation of music into different territories...if you like it listen to it, if you don't shut it off and shut the fuck up.



NP: PARADISE LOST - Believe in Nothing
Some interesting replies. I don't like to label things, but when someone asks me what a band sounds like and I say "Heavy Metal", someone could interept this as Bon Jovi, Judas Priest, Ozzy,Slayer, or Deicide. Don't get me wrong, I like all kinds of music from Classical, Country, Classic Rock, Bluegrass, and of course METAL. I know a lot of bands don't like to be labeled, but I guess it makes it easier when journalist and music critics describe what a band sounds like or reviews an album. Personally, I like Staind, System Of A Down, and Nonpoint and I don't consider them "nu" metal. I was just asking others opinions. What I would consider "nu" metal would be Korn, Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Adema, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, etc... I don't like any of these bands personally, but I'm not going to criticize someone else for liking them. If someone asks me why I don't like a band, I'll explain. Even though people don't like labels, it can help when describing bands to others. For Example: I consider Bon Jovi hard rock and Dokken metal. I don't use "Hair Bands" because every band usually has some hair, unless there are some shaved heads. I usually describe bands as "glam metal", "PowerMetal", "Thrash","Grunge", "Death Metal","Black Metal","Stoner/Doom Metal", "Classic Metal," etc..But like the Tesla song goes "Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Punk, Pop, or Thrash. Call it what you want, its all music to me."
Any mainstream metal that appeared in the last 7-10 years is to me nu metal and it all sucks...
its kind of funny, it seems like all the popular bands are nu-metal except the ones you like, because hey, you're not a nu-metal fan! oh well. i have never used the term nu-metal because i think its a little too broad, because there are different kinds of nu-metal. the 'rap' kind, the just 'yelling' kind, and the 'this band is kind of unique but they have heavy guitars so i guess it must be nu-metal'. fuck it. too much labeling. i usually just call it pop, because if its on mtv ya know, its pretty much pop. they never play anything good anymore.
Nu Metal to me is a broad category... I even include a lot of hardcore in it. And yeah Tool too. To me rapping is not a big part of it. To me it has more to do with the set of groove and the tone of the guitar. I like it (don't worry i love my death metal, shred guitar and prog too!) but there are some SHIIIITTT bands in the genre... BUT there are a LOT of good ones too! Here is some good ones for you all (i PROMISE they have talent)

Haji's Kitchen
Machine Head
Finger 11
Stuck Mojo
System Of A Down
Simon Says

AND NOW some to avoid because they don't have a lot going for them and their riffs are boring as hell and repetitive.

Il Nino
40 Below Summer
Boy Hits Car

To name a few... i checked out those bands and was like "what... was.. that..." nothing there at all, no melody, no groove, shitty singers... nothing even remotely difficult to play. (even though that isn't really a deciding factor for me much anyway)
Oh shit, obviously this forum turns into a mallcore forum, too.
I'm so sick of the lack of METAL (!) discussion on the net in general.

I'm all over categorizing music if those categories weed out those trendhopping or changing their sound in order to make a quick buck (like Machine Head and Fear Factory tried, but failed miserably).

Death to false metal.

Hell, I didn't realize this thread would become so long. I was wanting opinions and I got them. I personally don't consider Machine Head, Tool, Skinlab or System Of A Down "Nu"-Metal. I would consider Skinlab and (early)Machine Head a "Bay Area Thrash/Hardcore" Hybrid. Bumblefoot, I agree that Adema and Boy Hits Car Suck. To me its monotonous, boring, dreary Bullshit. I saw Adema live and they sucked. Well, I guess "nu"-metal is a broad category such as the rap-metal shit, turntables, etc... Instead of calling it Nu-metal call it non-metal, shit-metal, or no metal. To me, this shit metal consists of Korn, Drowning Pool, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Adema, No One, Limp Bizkit, Soil, Pressure 4-5, etc... Call it what you want but like I said before, to me its down tuned, no guitar solo, monotonous, dreary, bullshit. At least System Of A Down and Slipknot have elements of Thrash and Death Metal. Anyway, before this Rap-Metal there was Biohazard and Anthrax/Public Enemy and before no solos there was (early) Fear Factory Ministry, and NIN. Cheers to all and especially the dude playing DEATH ANGEL'S THE ULTRAVIOLENCE
With the exception of NEVERMORE,DRAGONLORD and some of the old school thrash bands that reformed recently I.E. VIO- LENCE,EXODUS and DEATH ANGEL. Most american metal sucks!
All the good shit is comming from Sweden Like IN FLAMES,The HAUNTED.OPETH,SOILWORK and WITCHERY.
Just my opinion flame at will!!!!!