Are Tool worth a damn?

Are Tool a quality metal band?

  • Yes, they rock

    Votes: 108 76.1%
  • No, they suck

    Votes: 34 23.9%

  • Total voters


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I am not being sarcastic. I tend to lump tool in with the Korn/Limp Biscut scene, so I don't take them seriously. BUT I have not heard them so I really don't know if they are a good band or not. So the question is, are they a good band and are they worth looking into/buying?
YES. Tool is not really much like those bands you mentioned... i call them progressive nu metal, even though i bet a lot of people will jump down my throat at that. Most don't consider them nu metal at all. They are much more complex than the majority of mainstream bands and really are unique, not a spinoff of some other band. And even with them being around for so long no bands really sound much like them, except maybe Dredg. In short, YES. Go but Lateralus and Aenima. great albums.
They are pretty cool, the only reason I OCCASIONALLY listen to TOOL, is because I love their drummer Danny Carrey, he is trully amazing...

Check out some stuff off of undertow, or Aenima...

If oyu wanna hear Danny Carey's masterfull drum work...

The grudge
Tick and Leaches
well you shouldnt 'lump them in with the korn/LB scene" there drummer is amazing and they make good songs and good albums. Tool was actually the first band i really liked and Aenima and Lateralus are pretty amazing albums. probably the best mainstream band there is. and actually i am listening to undertow now.

and ...i dont think dredg sounds like tool :err: but dredg is amazing and are very worth checking out too.
They're one of my favorite bands. Very good music. Their last 2 albums are the best. I'm waiting for a new one, but I think it'll be at least a year before we hear it. I'm spoiled by bands that faithfully turn out a new CD every 1 1/2 years.
They're worth more damns than any other band, aside from Opeth!!

Maynard James Keenan is great.

A Perfect Circle is just as beatiful. I cant wait for the new album...
Originally posted by Claire's Horror
haven't really shown much evolution

Humph, I think they've shown alot of evolution. Every one of their albums is different from the rest, and Maynard's lyrics get more complex over time.

One thing that certainly has evolved is their damn ticket prices. How much they are these days is just sad.
Havent shown much evolution? I think they show a lot, i mean, even from Aenima to Lateralus they matured a lot, no more swearing which kinda ruined the songs, no more long pointless fillers, and better musicianship...and just a much different sound...

Hondo: I think it'll be more than a year, the new APC comes out in spring 2003 and it'll probably be delayed. then they will probably tour in the summer and tool wont really start recording until fall 2003, possibly a new album in around early 2004. thats just a guess tho...
NO EVOLUTION!?!?!?! Danny Carrey has gotten so much more technical and comfortable around his kit since Opiate and Undertow, it's almost amazing. The drumming on Lateralus is superb. Tool is one of the most innovative bands today, and I wouldn't call them nu-metal at all. They've taken music in a totally different direction than anybody before them. The lyrics, if you're into the occult and such, are so deep and entwined. The videos are also just mind-blowing.
I've never liked Tool at all. I've heard all of their albums, just never found anything mind-blowing. Another thing that turns me off to them is their fans around here. Ugh, those people annoy me just the same as Linkin Park or rap fans do. So yes, I suppose they suck.
Tool is fucking incredible, I have TOTAL respect for that band, and no matter how my musical tastes change they have always been with me, and I don't think they will ever leave.
Tool is awsome, one of my favorite bands!
To call them nu metal is wrong...they are some kind of progressive/alternative.
I had some problems with Lateralus the first like 2-3 listening sessions, but nowe it just gets better and better the more I listen to it:D

Is there anyone who doesn't like them that could tell me why, and I don't want a answer like: "they play nu metal and stinks" or " they can't play".
I really can't decide myself who is better .. Opeth or Tool .. for me anyway .. some of you wouldn't even have to think before you said Opeth .. but Tool is just perfect and the perfectness of tool is what add's to the sound ... Opeth use alot of flaws in sound and shit like that too add to the music so it's hard to decide ... like orchid and morningrise wouldn't be right with awesome production .. the production is just fine the way it is .....