Are vocals important to you? What about lyrics?


Pitiful Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
As the title does nothing to indicate, I'm wondering if vocals and lyrics are important to you people.

I don't think I've heard much metal without, but I'm reasonably certain it can be good either way (with or without vocals). I think I do prefer my metal to have vocals, with decent lyrics. Also, I think pretty much only clearer, more 'sung' vocals appeal to me. I'll try to think of examples if you need me to.

This may be (part of?) why I lean more towards power in my likes (but I admit I haven't had access to heaps of metal, so... *shrug*).

If this is a bad idea for a thread, just let it fade away (let one person say it is bad, if you must, but don't keep it alive with fire).

If I've explained stuff badly, I've got the excuse of tiredness type stuff, plus I often have trouble putting thoughts to words properly (even been thingoed by a speech pathologist bloke). So there :p.

Anyways, please try to reply in a constructive sort of manner. Discuss, debate, etc., don't argue, flame, etc. (as far as you are able). An angry moderator is not something I would wont to meet in a dark ally, but I expect you lot know the rules and all that, so please continue.
Interesting point. I don't require a band to have good lyrics, though it can really aid my appreciation of the song if it does have good lyrics. While I enjoy the music of Skyclad for their own sake, for example, much of the enjoyment is derived from the intelligent and amusing lyrical content. Likewise, while I have a penchant for the Carcass-inspired school of metal, I enjoy the music much more if the lyrics are amusingly written rather than the straight up gore style of writing.

An example of this would be the tongue in cheek lyrics of a band like Gorerotted. The dark humour in the songs is much more appealing to me than, say, the lyrics in the average Cannibal Corpse song, even though they might broadly be about the same kinds of depraved shit.

To be honest, I'd much rather see good lyrics than worry too much over how the singer sounds; if they have a horrid voice but great lyrics, then I'm much more likely to enjoy it (in time) than a "good" voice belting out retarded lyrics.
Carcassian said:
To be honest, I'd much rather see good lyrics than worry too much over how the singer sounds; if they have a horrid voice but great lyrics, then I'm much more likely to enjoy it (in time) than a "good" voice belting out retarded lyrics.

But a 'good' voice/vocal style + good lyrics is even better?
music first, lyrics second.

lyrics are nothing, to me, if the music sucks. granted all other genres seem to flip that theory, but oh well.

my last band, sacrilicious, wrote a song to prove that point. we wrote a song called into the oven. it was about baking buttermilk biscuits. kick ass song, pointless lyrics. no cared what we said, but they all dug the song and had a great time
Vocals are super important for me. Lyrics I dont give a shit, with all these songs that made people kill themselves like Ozzy's 'Suicide Solution' its just stupid. When I sing I just sing whats infront of me, I dont pay attention to meanings etc.
Same here. I have no connection to the lyrics, and the singer is much more important. I do appreciate bands that have lyrics of an epic nature, though, lyrics that tell a conceptual story, which is why I prefer power metal lyrically. I also tend to dislike newer bands that do the whole "gore/mutilation/death" thing, though, because that is so fucking worn out.

1. guitars... by a long shot.

2. drums

3. bass

4. vocals

5. lyrics
genocide roach said:
my last band, sacrilicious, wrote a song to prove that point. we wrote a song called into the oven. it was about baking buttermilk biscuits. kick ass song, pointless lyrics. no cared what we said, but they all dug the song and had a great time

Hehe, I think I'd like a song like that :lol:. I want to see a really 'extreme' (or whatever) band with a song about fluffy bunny rabbits, sunshine, etc.

The thought of that being growled out appeals to my sense of humor :).


Authentic Metalhead said:
Same here. I have no connection to the lyrics, and the singer is much more important. I do appreciate bands that have lyrics of an epic nature, though, lyrics that tell a conceptual story, which is why I prefer power metal lyrically. I also tend to dislike newer bands that do the whole "gore/mutilation/death" thing, though, because that is so fucking worn out.

Hammerfall's Renegade is one of my favoured songs :).

EDIT2: Linky, incase someone wants to read the lyrics of it.
Authentic Metalhead said:
"Templars of Steel" was my favorite song on that album, as well as my favorite Hammerfall song overall. Many times I've considered performing that at a talent show or something...I'll bet it would be great to get the crowd going in the chorus. :)

That one is good too. I kinda like the soppy track as well, though many here might flame me for such a thing.

I'd better get myself to bed, it's almost three o'clock and I've been have lots of late nights/early mornings (going to bed then, not betting up early).
Sometimes I tell my friend how he should do his drums patterns and i can't even play drums(i'm a guitarist). That's how much I care about music.
Vocals are important for me. If the music and lyrics are great but vocals - shitty, I dont think I would listen to that band or song.
But in the same time vocals are not the most important thing in music/metal. Every point is important, I guess.
Vocals are probably the easiest thing for me adjust to if they're poor for the sake of an otherwise quality body of work, but occasionally I come across vocals that render the whole operation utterly unlistenable.
The only bands i've heard thats vocals make the music unlistenable is megadeth and one other band(can't think of it at the moment).
Necuratul said:
Vocals are probably the easiest thing for me adjust to if they're poor for the sake of an otherwise quality body of work, but occasionally I come across vocals that render the whole operation utterly unlistenable.

Examples posthaste.