Are you addicted to music


Jul 29, 2001
Pensacola, FL
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I find new bands everyday but i'm never satisfied! I keep looking for more! Could this be signs of sexual frustration?
Oh yeah, I need some more bands with the style of Opeth, Dawn, Skyfire, and Throes of Dawn. Any sugestions?:p
Originally posted by Tribal
I find new bands everyday but i'm never satisfied! I keep looking for more! Could this be signs of sexual frustration?
Oh yeah, I need some more bands with the style of Opeth, Dawn, Skyfire, and Throes of Dawn. Any sugestions?:p

Hehe, I know how that goes, I'm completely addicted to buying CDs. I haven't heard Dawn or Skyfire. Could you give a description?

Two bands I can't recommend enough are Grey Skies Fallen and Lilitu. Two very underrated and overlooked bands from the US that bear a few similarities to Opeth. Otherwise, Agalloch and Novembre are other great bands with a similar vibe.

Also, I just bought this Green Carnation - Journey to the End of the Night album, and it is GREAT! Highly recommended to In The Woods fans. It's a band with several ITW members, and it's kind of psychedelic doomy music. They just recently signed to The End Records.
Dawn are just dark black metal. Skyfire are the Malmsteen of black metal! Very emotional!
Do you have a link to Green Carnation?
To get songs of these bands go to its 100 times better than nabster.
Finding new music has become an obsession for me, the fact that I write a column based on my recent discoveries makes it even more vital...and I fear I'm running out of options! Well, at least my black metal exploartion has led me to great music from Ulver, Arcturus, and Sigh in the past few days...
Yes addicted is the right word. Its cool during the day when a beat just pops into your head and you can't figure out where it came from and it takes a while to figure it out. Music is a very huge part of my life.
I know I am.. but it's difficult to play cds on my big system late at night, so I listen to the same 50 mp3s over..and over.. but I'd say at least 5 hours a day is a good guess.

Music contains keys to what makes us live.. what makes our souls breathe. It can incite any emotion, it can create faraway worlds, dreams of past, present and future. And all it is.. simple vibrations running through the air, waiting to be interpreted by a passing mind.

yeesh. that makes no sense. remind me not to get started next time.
Id say i listened to music about 10 hours a day this summer.
hehe im such an addict. :o
i play guitar or bass for about 1 hour a day every day almost since i began to play 2 years ago
i just cant stop
im going crazy! :goggly:
After college, I got away from music a lot, but Opeth has really got me going again into music, and I listen to it at least 4-5 hours a day.
oh, and my third child is due any day now, so I can say it is NOT sexual frustration that makes me a music nut. ;)
Two odd bands worth checking out:

Withered Beauty (Withered Beauty)
Grief of Emerald (Malformed Seed)
Godisanatheist: Yes, because "Blackwater Park", for example, is less likely to cause severe brain damage than "Oops...I did it again". :)
I listen to music for almost all of my awake hours, the only time I'm not listening to music during the school year is during school and when I am studying and doing homework, I cant sleep without music. I am becoming addicted to Opeth in particular, with the next cd I buy from them it will probably be safe to say that they are my favorite band.