W warsofwinter In memory of Chuck May 2, 2001 1,297 2 38 38 Corner Brook Canada www.warsofwinter.cjb.net Aug 3, 2001 #21 Well check out my band at www.mp3.com/warsofwinter . you'll like the song Two Moons 'til Autumn the most concidering your interest in metal .
Well check out my band at www.mp3.com/warsofwinter . you'll like the song Two Moons 'til Autumn the most concidering your interest in metal .
Soul Forlorn Member May 15, 2001 338 0 16 50 Illinois, USA geocities.com Aug 21, 2001 #22 I'm definitely addicted. Music is practically all I think about. Almost all of my free time revolves around music. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too addicted since it does take away from other things I like to do in life.
I'm definitely addicted. Music is practically all I think about. Almost all of my free time revolves around music. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too addicted since it does take away from other things I like to do in life.
FleischBrenner drunk hessian degenerate Aug 18, 2001 51 0 6 San Jose,CA Aug 22, 2001 #23 Absolutely. I even work in a music store for shitty wages so I can get cheap/free music.