Are You Afraid?


Feb 8, 2003
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A few hours ago, I made the mistake of clicking on a link that led me to a pic of a woman's breast infested with larvae. I know it's fake, but GAH! That drove me nuts, and it's still bothering me. I managed to get it out of my head a couple of times but people keep reminding me of it :yell:

Anyway, that brings me to the question of phobias. Do you have any unusual phobias?

For some reason, I'm very disturbed by clusters of small holes. I won't freak out over something like a sponge, nor do I go into panic mode when I see someone's pores. It's mostly holes in organic matter that creeps me out. They trigger a bizarre desire in me to pick at them or squeeze them till whatever is inside comes out (even if they're empty). Does anyone know what this is called?

That sounds sick. The rule is never to click on links unless you know what they are. Reminds me of the time someone sent links to gay old man porn over my school's mailing list. My computer crashed so I didn't see them.

Um, anyways. I don't like phonecalls and rarely talk on the phone. At work, it's okay as I know what the calls are for... but I hate getting calls at home.

I'm also weirded out by tried out empty fountains. Especially those in dark gardens.
the fountain bit is interesting. i've never heard of it. what exactly about the fountains make you go eeuurgghh? and are you afraid of phone conversations or do you just dislike them?
I'm afraid of phone conversations... it's a long story.

The fountains creep me out as they're dry and dead. Also, some are rotting and rusted... it's hard to explain.
ahh, i see. if you ever have the time and would like to tell the story, i'd love to hear it.

perhaps i should change the wording of the topic or rephrase the first few lines of my post. i wouldn't want anyone to think this thread actually contains that horrible image. guh.
I have a very big phobia of spiders and heights, including pretty bad vertigo whenever I'm even remotely near a high-up edge. I can be in the middle of a skyscraper and be fine, but as soon as I get near a window I'll start going dizzy, and also be extremely tempted to throw myself out. And this was even when I was a happy person. :p I'm also a little afraid of depths, but not too much.
Here's the story t hen. I love procrastination.

When I was little, I loved answering the phone. I'd pick up and babble. Once I even made a call that my parents couldn't trace. This all ended when I was about 3. I was in preschool and had a teacher who I hated. So the teacher called and I picked up the phone. I recognised her voice and screamed, running away crying. After that, I never touched the phone again... and seldom do.

I learned about phobias and childhood roots in psychology. My example makes me believe it. Now I'm trying to uncondition my fear by answering the phones as much as possible... but I usually only do that at work.
caelestia reveals hidden stories of fear and anguish! :)

anyway, i'm slightly acrophobic (scared of heights). nothing serious, though.

my fear of moths is worse, even though i don't go to the extremes. i just can't stand it when there's a moth in the room with me, i honestly hate the awful beasts. :erk:
Caelestia said:
A few hours ago, I made the mistake of clicking on a link that led me to a pic of a woman's breast infested with larvae. I know it's fake, but GAH! That drove me nuts, and it's still bothering me. I managed to get it out of my head a couple of times but people keep reminding me of it :yell:
Pix plz.

Anyhow... when I see a real life lightning storm and I'm outside, I freak out. My heart starts beating and I run for cover. However, I feel fine if I'm inside a building and the lightning do their business outside.
Caelestia: I hadn't had a problem with that picture or got it stuck in my head until I read this thread >(
Now it's having a hard time leaving my head.

I don't like insects, but I can't say I have a 'phobia'
And I'm ok with heights : D

Sometimes I fear the future and myself :/
Lina: That's not all. He's also afraid of squirrels and butter knives
rahvin said:
what's lina scared of? :p
I'm trying to think...none of the usual things like height or spiders or the dark. I have some social anxiety -- I rehearse in my head how I'm going to order in a restaurant or how I'm going to greet the clerk in a store. :erk: Obviously, then, I don't like public speaking. Having to act, as in theater, terrifies me. Even silly acting, like playing a trick on a friend, I just can't handle.
rahvin and Magsec: :lol: Squirrels are teh cute! (Unless they bite you, since their bite is poisonous.) That second pic is scary, however. I don't like the thought that Mickey Mouse's spine will touch my butter.
I don't like spiders in my house because they creep me out. I'm not afraid of seeing them around when I'm awake, I'm afraid one might crawl on me when I'm asleep and either walk into my mouth, bite me, or both(!)

I've had many nightmares about spiders falling off the ceiling and landing on me when I'm asleep.

The worst spider experience I had happened one morning when I woke up. On my pillow next to me was this big fat pregnant (I think) spider with this huge, extended, bloated abdomen just sitting there staring at me. I jumped up and screamed in a panic and scared the spider away so I couldn't catch it. I looked and looked but it was gone. Gone to give birth to the legions of evil spider spawn, to continue the terror... :ill: I couldn't sleep after that because I was afraid it would come back and crawl on me.

Seriously I don't hate them as long as they stay outside.