Are You Afraid?

You know after I put much thought into this I still came up with nothing. I mean I am afraid that smth might happen to my family, but I dont think that falls under odd phobia.

arachnophobia here.

the worst experience i had with spiders happened when a big, long-legged one came out of a magazine i was reading and walked on my arm. i spent the next few days in terror. :ill:

I don't have a fear of spiders, possibly because there aren't any huge creepy ones around where I live. I read somewhere that spiders are considered lucky and if one visits your home, you shouldn't kill it. Yeah, right.

@MagSec: Can't say you weren't warned *adds to teh list of victims* ;)

@Lina: I had a problem with social anxiety, too. For some time I kept to myself (add the fact that I'm an only child), so when I started being more sociable again, I sort of forgot how to behave, or how I thought I was supposed to act anyway. I was afraid that what I said might be 'stupid' and as a result, I did say some pretty stupid things that I otherwise wouldn't have. Man, was I awkward. I'm much better now. Sometimes I still doubt myself, so people think I'm shy and quiet.
Lina said:
I'm trying to think...none of the usual things like height or spiders or the dark. I have some social anxiety -- I rehearse in my head how I'm going to order in a restaurant or how I'm going to greet the clerk in a store. :erk: Obviously, then, I don't like public speaking. Having to act, as in theater, terrifies me. Even silly acting, like playing a trick on a friend, I just can't handle.
i can put my name under that. public speeches freak me out, and tomorrow i have to show a presentation :-/ maybe it will go away after some time, i just try to avoid it whenever i can.
on the other hand though, i really love being on stage with a band... strange.
other things than that do not freak me out, maybe except for big fat buzzing insects which need to be eliminated.
good luck, VC. presentations are never as bad as we think they'll be. just gotta rehearse and rehearse till you're sure you know everything you want to say. i've heard the fear does subside in time. i wouldn't know though, i still clam up :)
yeah i think i'll just go there and see what happens. it's not an important resentation, so i will probably pull something out of the hat in time.
Caelestia said:
For some reason, I'm very disturbed by clusters of small holes. I won't freak out over something like a sponge, nor do I go into panic mode when I see someone's pores. It's mostly holes in organic matter that creeps me out. They trigger a bizarre desire in me to pick at them or squeeze them till whatever is inside comes out (even if they're empty). Does anyone know what this is called?

lol i'm like that too, those things creep me out. but i don't know if this has a name
oh, spiders too, i can't sleep if i know there's a big spider in the room, i need to kill it, even if i have to move everything to find it
oh, now i read the thread and i have to add stuff to the spider experiences :p

these spiders are really common, i happened to find one lurking in my room several times during summer when i woke up in the middle of the night :ill: they're huge (5/6 cm) and move very fast.

i dreamt about spiders falling from the ceiling and spiders crawling on the bed too....i guess tonight i'll be afraid of that since now i read that they do that too :ill: :p
I've seen the url. I know it's a gif, so it could well be animated. Maybe a spider crawling along really slowly, legs all spindly... *scratches back, neck, head, arms* Why the hell am I so incredibly tempted to click on it?? :yell: *paranoid look behind me, just in case*

Heh, you should've seen how much I squirmed in the cinema when Shelob appeared in Return of the King. :p

*absolutely refuses to click the link*