Are You Afraid?

Hrm... fears...
Rejection. That's probably the biggest. That and failing. I have the unfortunate luck to be the kind of person who, between those two fears, can be so utterly paralyzed as to be unable to complete a task. Like I'll have a nervous breakdown until about 10 minutes before whatever the thing is, and I'll only be able to work on said thing for like the day before it's due. I'm not sure if that quite made sense, but those are the big ones for me. Bugs don't bother me. I tend to kill them alot. Rodents don't either, surprisingly, as I actually had a mouse in my apt. for about a month before it wandered off for lack of food. Otherwise, any real phobia for me would have to be heights. That would stem from looking off of the top of the empire state building when I was about 5 or so.

My only known phobia is getting old and haggard.. if I lose control over myself, I will go insane... but I know that I will eventually, so until then I will endeavor to become immortal.
Kovenant84 said:
Hrm... fears...
Rejection. That's probably the biggest. That and failing. I have the unfortunate luck to be the kind of person who, between those two fears, can be so utterly paralyzed as to be unable to complete a task. Like I'll have a nervous breakdown until about 10 minutes before whatever the thing is, and I'll only be able to work on said thing for like the day before it's due. I'm not sure if that quite made sense, but those are the big ones for me.

That makes perfect sense to me. I have a similar problem. I have a very big project to complete right now as a matter of fact, but I'm so scared to submit the results to the people who are going to evaluate it because I think they will hate it, and therefore reject me and my ideas... it's depressing to think about it, therefore I avoid working on it. I know I'll get it done when the pressure rises to get it done, but in the meantime it just hangs there like a black cloud over my head.

hmm... perhaps I need to get off the internet right now and go work on it. :err:
@alfred: took me two whole minutes to get the joke, you time-consuming bubu. so you've come back to this, my kingdom, to play with semantics, huh? i challenge you! *draws dictionary of phrasal verbs*

@tebus: if i make both of you jealous enough, i won't be alone. that's my strategy at its finest, mind you

@kov; his divine: submit your works to me first. it's simple: i'll express my honest opinion without rejecting you. ;)
@His Divine Shadow: That sounded exactly like me. Good luck with the project. Don't be afraid, I have faith in you. And if they don't like it, get some constructive criticism out of it.
*steals Caelestia's sandwich and sits down beside her to watch as the drama unfolds*

On topic: I'm afraid of the lack of beauty. Seriously. To lead a life without beauty would be to lead an empty life, and i'm scared shitless of looking back upon my life one day and realizing i've wasted it.
I have a fear of scorpions, and it just so happens that I went down to Florida a few months ago, and I woke up after the first night being there because of a scorpion stinging my elbow. This of course happened after I told all my friends the night before that I would freak out if I saw a scorpion, and was reassured that I probably wouldn't even see any during the week of being down there. Of course, the one that stung my arm was the only one I saw the entire week. Needless to say, I wasn't too bummed out about the 19-hour drive back to Ohio.

I also have a fear of threads about fears... AHH
I'm scared of the end of good things... me being a student, the friendships I currently have, the things I enjoy at my age, etc... the feeling of having that which may not be in the future terrifies me, it's backwards looking I know, but all I have are things now and memories...