Are You Afraid?

oh yeah, and i eversince i can remember things i have always be really afraid of lightning storm thaugh i have no idea why, and i have often made nightmarres about those.
don't know why it didn't come to my mind the first time i replied to this thread, but i share caelestia's and hiljainen's revulsion for holey organic things - for example, coral kind of terrifies me, even if i know it's dead. contrary to caelestia, though, i don't want to squeeze anything out of the holes. i just want the (w)hole thing to go away.

i don't like spiders, i don't like big insects, i don't like underwater life of any kind that brushes my legs when i'm swimming, and even mildly dangerous situations trigger an enormous imagery of freak accidents in my head when i'm depressed or under strain (but this is more of a symptom of exhaustion than a proper phobia, since it only comes out in specific circumstances).

on the other hand, i love mice and i enjoy the sight of snakes and scorpions, of course with the necessary caution.
^I too am afraid of things brushing up against me in the water, but it's more a fear of not knowing what's brushing up against me rather than a fear of the thing itself. However, I am also afraid of scorpions.
I’m afraid of someone close to me dying a slow painful death. Or me dying a slow painful death and not being able of keeping it together.

I’m afraid of ending up alone.

I’m afraid of going insane.

I’m afraid of cockroaches.

I’m afraid of tsunamis (I’ve been since I was 5, and had nightmares about it which is silly as I don’t even live close to water).

I’m afraid of running over someone while driving.

I’m afraid of getting disfigured somehow and kids being afraid of me in the streets.

... I think that covers it.
La Rocque said:
Its not that I'm afraid but I'll only fly on an airplane if I have a window seat and I'm seated in front of the wing -

Yeah, thats the other thing, Im afraid of flying, Ive never flown at all. And Im also uncomfortable when I imagine theres a conflict going on in the street and I should intervene. Its happened once to me, I was in a bus though and saw it through open doors, yet I couldve got off and do something. I didnt. :erk:
I hate flying, I've only done it twice but still didnt dig it in the slightest. I guess it's a control thing, or maybe Im just childish.

I guess I'm afraid that one day my penis will fall off for no reason.

I'm afraid of earthquakes since I lived a very bad one in turkey... that was terrible
I'm afraid of being trapped in masses of people, thats why I always stay on the side at gigs or festivals and never go straight in the masses (maybe only to take a few pics if there is no photopit)
I'm afraid of how the world is going at the moment, politicians are insane, it cant go well all the time...
I'm afraid of getting an uncurable disease or a bad sickness
I'm afraid of losing the people I really love
You know what I'm affraid of? The Emley Moor transmitter, or as I've come to know it, The Satan Tower/The cock of doom/The devil mast/Hell chimney. I have agorovertigobia... which is my way of saying, I don't like really wide open spaces/high things... they make my neck go stiff and my palms sweat and I feel really really dizzy.


One can see from this drawn image representing the section of yorkshire known to us as Emley Moor that Emley Moor transmitter is Satanic to the point that magpies (the bird of satan) actually fear it. It fears it for the same reason we do. That if it falls over, we are fucked. Notice the image is through a cross hair. If you stand near the Satan Tower, you are not only in danger of being crushed by 1000+ tonnes of stone, glass and steel... but also you are likely to be the unknowing recipient of sniper fire.


This is the first and second versions of Emley moor. The first verison was dismantled as it was small and not satanic enough. The second version is 325 meters high. That is just insane. You know what's more insane? It fell down in a storm. oof.

FACT: The current tower at Emley moor is 1000 ft high and is the highest standing structure in europe. If you stare at it for too long, suddenly you appear stood on top of it for no reason... The only way down is to summon an eagle with a 20ft wing span to give you a lift to safety. Take a minute to imagine all the most heinous scenes of violence and brutality your mind can conjour... You've just experienced 1/10th of the evil of The Satan Tower.
Photo taken from the moon:

I'm not even kidding, just looking at this picture makes my palms go all soupy.

If you look closely at this image, you will notice Anders Friden dangeling his baby off the top of the tower in order to try and achieve Michael Jackson style fame. And look even closer still and you'll see I am riding on the back of an eagle northward to safety.

This is what scares me! I can see it from my house, 40 miles away, three valleys down the road.
:lol: That was cool! But yeah, those things are scary. Id thought I wasnt afraid of heights until I went to Jungfraujoch in Bern Alps, to Sphinx Terrase to be more precise and realised there is nothing beneath my feet except the see-through steel scaffold. You shouldve seen me, it took me 30s to make a step. :yuk: Im not afraid of heights until I have good old ground beneath my feet, but when its something man-made, my trust in gone.
another one: i am afraid of water, ie if i am on a brigde and there is water under it, i am afraid to fell in the water and drawn. this is just stupid because falling into water would be less dangerous than falling on a road or something. Also if i am on a path a hill, and there is a river at the bottom, and if the side of the hill is really "sharp" i will be afraid of falling in the water, and i wont want to walk on the path
marduk1507 said:
:lol: That was cool! But yeah, those things are scary. Id thought I wasnt afraid of heights until I went to Jungfraujoch in Bern Alps, to Sphinx Terrase to be more precise and realised there is nothing beneath my feet except the see-through steel scaffold. You shouldve seen me, it took me 30s to make a step. :yuk: Im not afraid of heights until I have good old ground beneath my feet, but when its something man-made, my trust in gone.
Haha this happens to me too. I hate stairs made of glass. In your case, i imagine myself glued to the floor. :p
I also feel weird when i walk on our bridge at the point where there's only a grid from which you can see the sea, some 40-50 mrs downwards.
I'm afraind of falling off bart/muni/train stations :(
I have a fear of certain types of 'doors', especially the ones on elevators and the ones in shopping malls and on entrances to large buildings.
I'm afraid that if I don't walk through them fast enough, they'll slam shut and slice me in two. The freakiest thing I've ever experienced was some glass sliding doors in which the electronic closing mechanism was faulty, so the doors would wind back....then slam back together in the most sickening sound ever. The glass doors had no steel frame, it was a pure glass-on-glass clash.

Some bugs I don't mind, but if I see any weird ones that I've never seen before, I do all I can to capture/remove them from the room I'm occupying at the time.

I sometimes also rehearse things I'm going to say to certain people.
KiwiCam said:
I sometimes also rehearse things I'm going to say to certain people.

I do that all the time and its driving me crazy, cause it feels like Im taking a crap in my head everytime I do that. I usually never tell the people, I only rehearse the dialogue within my head. I often have to tell myself to stop out loud! :lol: