Are You Afraid?

Afraid of spiders and all little creatures with many legs,heights,crowds sometimes and small places...and to quote Zack:I too am afraid of things brushing up against me in the water, but it's more a fear of not knowing what's brushing up against me rather than a fear of the thing itself...especially during the night swimming,really scary
I feel afraid when stepping into or out of elevators. I just can't keep myself of thinking the ropes of the elevator set free just in "right time", when I'm not completely in or out. Damn, it would be painful. :ill:
When something is repeateadly brushing against your lower parts in water... hmmmm, may be it's mermaid, giving you blowjob?? Think about it

KiwiCam said:
I have a fear of certain types of 'doors', especially the ones on elevators and the ones in shopping malls and on entrances to large buildings.
I'm afraid that if I don't walk through them fast enough, they'll slam shut and slice me in two. The freakiest thing I've ever experienced was some glass sliding doors in which the electronic closing mechanism was faulty, so the doors would wind back....then slam back together in the most sickening sound ever. The glass doors had no steel frame, it was a pure glass-on-glass clash.

Some bugs I don't mind, but if I see any weird ones that I've never seen before, I do all I can to capture/remove them from the room I'm occupying at the time.

I sometimes also rehearse things I'm going to say to certain people.

heh, i know that, I dont like much elevators doors, and also those rotating round doors.
I have also a phobia of snakes .... It's just as a child (and I mean really about 4-5 years old) I always dreamt of snakes ....every night in a long period of time i've got this phobia :erk: