are you left or right handed?


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
just curious.

I'm lefthanded, metalized is lefthanded, my two best friends (male and female) are lefthanded.

yes, I have prejudice, so be careful with what you'll write.

I'm right handed and I think there was a study done by some scientists that kinda proved that left handed people have a shorter life expectancy than right handed.
:lol: Ernesto, we waste ourselves too much, on non-important things...

Christo, no, I'm prejudiced against you because of your hairdo. :loco: hear you over the ICQ ;)
right handed. i have a cousin who is left handed and his brother is also left handed, but they have different fathers and their mother is right handed.o_O
i'm left handed when i write or draw or anything like that, but i use my right hand to shoot in basketball and swing a bat from the right too. i think jes cause my right forearm's stronger. all that masterbation, ya know. not really, but i had to say it before someone else did.