Are you offended?


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Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
Are you outraged and offended by Janet Jackson's breast showing?
It was during the half time of a tv show,which includes lots of contact,people injured,fights and a possibility of someone dying.
Now there's someone trying to sue Janet Jackson for flashing her breast.That is just damn stupid;ok maybe it was wrong,I seriously don't give a fuck since we see far worse images on the news,but making such a big deal is having a lot of free time.
I was watching E! news one day and some dude said: people,relax,it's just a boob! nothing else happened so calm down.
and the next day he got really offensive emails from a lot of,probably,prudes and sexually repressed people talking about how wrong it is to show a breast to the kids.
First of all,if you have your kids watching such a violent sport then you shouldn't fucking complain about them seeing other stuff;second,if you turn on your comp and get online and type xxx or breast on any internet search program you are going to find suff like that and harder;so why not sue the internet as well??
Stupid whiney people...

Now that I think about it,another example:
Nobody complained about Madonna,Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera kissing on the MTV awards and for appearing half naked or more on their videos.
What's up with this double morality?
I remember all those stupid people complaining about Married with children and all the shows alike because they destroyed their values or some shit like that.
Yes, it's stupid... you can see more sexiness in a Victoria's Secret or Hanes underwear commercial than you could in that fast clip. :p

People seriously need to get lives.
I'd presume that you're not going to find such people here manuel...the same people that think that that halftime thing was explicit porn also think metal is the devil :p
Well, you have to realize that this is on publicly broadcasted television which has guidelines and defined standards which are set for a reason. I think its safe to say that many of the people on this forum are somewhat...loose 'morally' speaking when it comes to what they find objectionable and acceptable, which is fine because you can personally behave however you want. But you have to realize that the majority of people - families with children - rely on knowing what they can expect to see on a publicly broadcasted station, especially during the most watched TV event in our nation, based again on the regulations and standards clearly defined by the FCC. You can get all the nudity you want in this country in many places, but just like you can't run up to a child on the street and whip it out, you can't sucker punch families who didn't bargain for softcore porn during the superbowl halftime show with what is a simulated form of sexual assault on a woman. To single people like us wrapped up in our lives that consists of nothing other than trying to please ourselves it seems ridiculous to care about, but to people who have children its a different story. The truth is that in the aftermath of that thing, a record number of people clogged the FCC phonelines being outraged about it and demanding something be done. Either way it goes, a precedent gets set right here - that precedent is either that if you do this it won't be worth it because you'll be fined and people will be pissed, or that you can get away with beaming things that the public finds obscene directly into their homes without them being the least bit aware its coming and you'll be alright, which will lead to only worse and worse displays because this is all about pushing the envelope and trying to assault typical american family values, which alot of people in the entertainment industry find in their minds to be either fallacious or stupid etc. And that is not within their rights to do. SO -pants, out of finger breath- regardless of how silly you or I may think it is for someone to be upset about a naked breast (and that's really not what has people pissed), once the technology was developed for broadcasting signals publicly, there had to be standards set for what could and could not be publicly broadcast. At one point in this country common decency prevented things like this, but worldwide, culture has been sliding into a greasepit, so we now have to have laws to keep people in line. If this were done on cable there would be no such uproar or suit because that is not public broadcasting - network tv is completely different. That's all I'm sayin'. :p
American family values? I thought MTV already destroyed those. :loco:

On a serious note, I'm tired of the puritan attitude towards sexuality. It's not the 1800s anymore folks. Perhaps I'll add a bit more when I'm not disgustingly drunk. Then I'll be able to form complete thoughts and not incoherent ramblings. :p
Yeah, well, incidientally the halftime show was MTV - I mean actually it was planned and put on by MTV. :lol: And given the musical sludge they put out i'll not only lay down the attempted destruction of value at their doorstep but also of music. :mad: Heheh.
manuel why are you making a thread about janet jackson? eh? what ? are you drunk?
who cares? i didnt even watch the superbowl.its a stupid yo like her? she just wants to be as weird as her brothe r. micheal jacksooooooon.
wey esta spedo????
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OMG!! A TIT!!!!! Really, America has to be the most hypocrite country in the world... As if no one has ever seen a tit, oh, yes, the tit will make all the kids go out and beat old women, rob grocery stores etc... If there were more tits in TV, I bet the world would be far more better place, because parents don't have time or they just don't want to take care of their children anymore, so they will be thrown to watch the TV and having no one to tell what's wrong and what is right and how things work in the real world makes some of them think it's ok to do things they see on tv and this creates problems... OK, maybe i went a bit offtopic, but ffs look at the "standards" in America. Depending on the state of course, almost any idiot can get a gun, and thus following the example provided in the great old TV the fucked up kids go out and shoot people. But a tit, tit is a beautiful thing, kids should learn that, and preferably not watching porn (which reminds me, "normal" tv channels can broadcast porn in teh great USA after 10 in the evening?) and adapting the way such a beaytiful thing as sex is ruined to a performance of who does most positions in 10 seconds... bleh... time to stop ranting...
Apparently it is ok for people to see in the news some policemen hitting a black guy until he dies as long as there's no nudity in the scene :Smug:
Religion has successfully persuaded people that sex is evil and sinful... i find that pathetic
First of all. JAKSON is ugly :puke: And another thing. I´m sick of this "sex" / nudity conversation.. :yell: If you´r offended, stay home, close curtains and read books! Don´t open your television or rent any movies. Don´t read magazines. Don´t listen radio, there can be lyrics that can make you feel sick.. For fucks sake, it´s all about decisions!!! :err: I don´t give a shit if there is porn in telly. I can always change the channel. BUT I wont change the channel.. :D
Koichi said:
I don't see the difference between what happened there, and mothers breastfeeding in public.

People need to shut up.
That's so exactly what I first thought when I heard about people being upset about that.
Personally, I dont find it insulting or offensive, apart from Janet Jackson being so ugly that Id rather not want to look at her half-naked, but the whole thing is plain stupid.

I agree with Wandrail that at some point there was guidelines set as to what could be shown and what could not, but this is exactly what this is about. If people complain about a half-naked tit in the halftime of a rather brutal game, they're missing the point about what values they should teach their kids.
Dont get me wrong, I dont think it was right to do it, but then it was "immoral" by the way it was done, not by what people saw, and that's what I dont get. I dont see what's wrong with showing breasts on television, but I do see what's wrong with doing it this "Oops, did I just flash my tit? Im so sorry!"-way it was done. But then again, she can make a clown of herself wherever and how often she likes. FFS, kids know how people look naked anyway..
Well, like I hinted at, a naked breast is not what people were upset about. This is the same as alot of other behavioral arguments - its the context in which this was shown. What you actually saw was a dude reach over and tear off her shirt while she stood there acting she had been violated or something. I personally don't know what the hell they were thinking and I wonder why liberal feminazi groups haven't stirred up over this, but the thing is kids suck information in like a black hole and they internalize everything. Spend some time around one and you'll see what I mean, you'll be shocked. Kids in this country are getting knocked up and are becoming sexually active at disturbingly early ages these days and have fewer and fewer scruples about it, and it is directly related to their exposure to this type of material and the lack of direct supervision by parents. While parents are the most to blame for ceding so much of their children's upbringing to television and government schools, organizations can't get away with trying to continually draw new lines in the sand about what is decent and indecent in the public arena. If the boundary is not set here, it becomes liquid and things continue to get worse. Its how every situation like this works in any area of law and societal control.

I personally think she looks way too much like Michael for me to comfortably feel attracted to any part of her anatomy, but again, you can view all the immoral stuff you want - privately - but public broadcasting has to be held to standards and regulations, and we're talking about the context of a simulated violent sexual assault on a woman here that exposes her, not just a random naked breast. Its why for the most part violence on TV is regulated not just by its graphic content but by its context. A war movie or a police drama where people are getting shot is acceptable most times, while a more disturbing thing like Natural Born Killers or Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer would not get publicly broadcast because they are both graphic and present their violence in a context that is meant to confuse the viewer's understanding of what's acceptable and unacceptable societal behavior. That's fine for a mature audience, but its damaging to a child's skull of impressionable mush, and the government has an obligation to ensure that publicly broadcast signals are adhering to standards that the public expects them to, so they know what their kids may or may not be seeing.
No, I'm not offended. I'm more offended when I see someone getting murdered, raped, and/or beaten on TV. Stupid Christian moralists. Pfffft.
No Gaby no estoy pedo,esta en todos los noticieros lo que paso y el desmadre que andan haciendo.
Es estar harto de la misma pendejada.