As The World Bleeds, the First Two Tracks...and I'm worried.

Huh, I've never specifically noticed the "boom-chick beat" you mentioned. If it's a staple of the genre, I guess I like it, because I like the genre :lol:

I partially agree with you on growls. I won't bash them as "no talent" (as some do), it's just a preference thing (a lot of my metal friends love them). Typically, I am never going to listen to a band that's mostly growls for vocals. It just does not "do it" for me. As long as it's a minority of the vocals, I can handle it. Epica is a good example - I love the band and the percentage of the time they do it is tolerable to me. Any more and I may not listen. That's what happened to me with the new James Labrie album. I just can't get into it because there's too much growling (for me) and not enough Labrie.

Although I'd prefer zero growling, here's one song were I would hate it if they took away the growls, because Threshold had Dan Swanö add growls to Slipstream for a very specific reason: as a counter-weight to Mac's vocals and it actually conveys the meaning of the lyrics *better* than clean vocals could (I read in an interview that the point was to "knock or shock the listener back to reality with the growls"). The song is about going for your dreams and not settling:

"Dreams are for the bold and you're not that kind
Disappointment, has a house on that road, best to stay at home

Plus, Matt has already explored the death metal genre on Mirror of Souls, so I think he has it out of his system :lol::lol::lol::

I like the sound!
Hey, Batguy and all others who may be slightly worried...

Don't worry! I can promise that this album is unlike anything you've ever heard, especially lyrically. I can't wait for y'all to experience this. It's incredible (although I may be slightly biased)!

Let's all remember to pray for Theocracy as they are in Europe.
I'm totally worried about the direction Theocracy is going too. Why? I happen to know* that Matt never asks directions. Right now they are just driving in circles somewhere in Europe while Matt puts more boom-chick on every track.

*Actually, I have no idea if Matt asks for directions and no clue what boom-chick is. I just found it really funny that the worry is "too much boom chick." I'll worry when Matt starts a wine company and writes a dance album. You know of whom I speak.
I'm totally worried because some of you are totally worried about the direction Theocracy is heading before having experienced the whole album... :)

Oh, and I think that's very important too :
Let's all remember to pray for Theocracy as they are in Europe.
Hey, Batguy and all others who may be slightly worried...

Don't worry! I can promise that this album is unlike anything you've ever heard, especially lyrically. I can't wait for y'all to experience this. It's incredible (although I may be slightly biased)!

Let's all remember to pray for Theocracy as they are in Europe.

I always love an appearance by Matt's mom on the forums. Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside. Like she will offer us some milk and cookies as well. :D
Hey, Batguy and all others who may be slightly worried...

Don't worry! I can promise that this album is unlike anything you've ever heard, especially lyrically. I can't wait for y'all to experience this. It's incredible (although I may be slightly biased)!

What can I say? Mom knows best;)
Let's all remember to pray for Theocracy as they are in Europe.

And yes, I'm definitely doing that!
This is the beaty of the forum: while we are talking with Matt´s mom, he is in Europe! and yes Forget the CowBell, more BOOM-CHICK!!!
Don´t get too worryed, The Holy Spirit is in charge!!!! we just have to pray and enjoy!!!
I'm totally worried about the direction Theocracy is going too. Why? I happen to know* that Matt never asks directions. Right now they are just driving in circles somewhere in Europe while Matt puts more boom-chick on every track.

*Actually, I have no idea if Matt asks for directions and no clue what boom-chick is. I just found it really funny that the worry is "too much boom chick." I'll worry when Matt starts a wine company and writes a dance album. You know of whom I speak.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Matt actually is more than willing to ask for directions, but it just so happens that I'm better at following them (which is reason #28154 why we make a great team) :p

We did drive in a few circles in Europe though. They call them "roundabouts," and on more than one occasion we went roundabout them 2 or 3 times. :lol: That was 90% my fault, however (10% the GPS)...