Ask Amon Amarth a question (about the new album)


AA Member
Oct 30, 2005
Ask us a question/s about the new album in this thread!

More details; We'll try to answer as many of them as we can and they'll be posted online. And unless you specify that your name/where you're from should be shown, it won't.

Is there going to a track called "The Day Chuck Norris Fucking Owned Those Emo Robot Ninja Dinosaurs"?

Edit: And, is there the general idea of a UK tour (Ala, normal - London and Leeds) or extensive UK tour (Ala Turisas - Cardiff, Glasgow, Peterborough etcetc. All the obscure places)?
Are there more "epic", longer (7:00 min +) songs along the lines of the first album, such as Victorious March?

Canada, ON
Is there any plans in the works for any U.S. tours to support the new album by the end of 2008? -Patrick
Album name/theme and the artwork going along with it is all we need to be kept at bay.

Dayton Markham, British Columbia, Canada
Of the myths referenced in the lyrics, which was each band-member's favourite?


Вирджиния, Соединенные Штаты Америки
Have the dynamics of the band and the relationships between each member changed significantly throughout the writing process for the new album? If issues do arise between members regarding the content of the new album, how are they resolved? Do all members attribute equal input into the writing and recording process?

Gazza, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
Are there more guitar solo's on the new album? Will it be like With Oden On Our Side where some did and some didnt?


Malmö, Sverige
Were you guys on anything or drunk at the time you made the song "victorious march", that song is a total battle song, I'd like your demo, contact me thankx.
Is the decision up to the band or the record company on what formats the album will be released on? ex. vinyl/picture disc vinyl/limited editions

Will the band put autographed copies of the album on

Will a bonus track appear on the Japanese release of the upcoming album?

Will you release a single before the album is released? If so, what song have you chosen?

North Bay, ON Canada
moderator, help

dont be such a tight ass.

my question: i dont know if this has been answered in the passed cause i havent been reading up much on this album, but are there going to be any guest appearances?


Laguna Hills, California