ask Dr. Jake...

Originally posted by deadair
they feel like, if you stay at home by yourself, you will turn more gay. they don't want you to be gay... you have some real friends there. i think you should thank them all with a nice greeting card for the office

what a great response. thanx
Originally posted by xfer
Dr Jake,

Was it wrong of me to call in sick and spend all day watching 24 DVDs, posting on boards, doing bong hits, eating Indian food, and reading Snow Crash?
By 24 DVDs, I assume you mean the Kiefer Sutherland show? I never got into that, but know people who did, big time.

What kind of Indian food?
Yes, I never watched it while it was on TV, but my roommate got the DVDs and it's quite good. I watch like one a night, usually, lying in bed, before I go to sleep.

Chickpea and chicken vindaloo, basmati rice, and Italian bread (the local supermarket does not stock naan).
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Dear Dr. Jake,

Why am I gay?

boy, tough call.

i think your gayness comes from your lack of metalness. now, before you get on my case about "i'm in a metal band... i play 'metal' guitar licks... blah blah blah". step back and think about this. when was the last time you killed a goat in the name of satan? it's been awhile huh?

i think this gayness is coming out of you because of your lack of commitment to the price of the power of the air.

you make that relationship right, and everything else will fall into place.

thank you
Originally posted by chupe666
Dr. Katz ruled, esp. when Dom Irrera was on it.

Dear Dr. Jake:

Is this mole growing on my butt cancerous?

Mole J. Moley Mole

dear moley ass man

seeing ass i have never seen the mole in question... i'd say you have three weeks to live. so LIVE IT UP... you will have only one week in St. Louis.

thank you