ask Dr. Jake...

special edition would be cool, but $6 for a DVD? can you buy me the $6 regular version, josh? i'll pay you back (or point me to where to go). the original NOTLD was my favourite movie of all time for like 8 months when i was a kid.
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon
sholud I but the regular Night of the Living Dead DVD for $6 or the special edition DVD for $25?

first off, i think you ment to type "should i BUY the..." but whatever you fag.

what this boils down to... are you a big fucking idiot that would blow 25 bucks on a DVD you'll probably only watch once or twice? or are you the type of fag who is too cheap to spend more than 6 bucks on a classic movie everyone should own?

you need to find out what kind of a person you are before you ask me silly fucking questions.


thank you
Dr Jake,
what does this guy's job entail?

Originally posted by Stultus
Dr Jake,
what does this guy's job entail?


that dood? that's Craig... he is a good guy, but he has a crappy job. Craig is the handicap checker. his job is to walk around busy shopping centers, stop people in wheelchairs and such, and make sure they are handicap.

sometimes his job gets ugly, like when he finds some one faking a handicap. see, if you are faking a handicap, and a handicap checker stops you... the handicap checker has the right (given to him by the government) to MAKE you handicap. so, i guess in that way his job is cool... but for the most part he just has to stop retards and talk to them... which ins't all the cool.

thank you