Vikingmojo said:Are you going to do a U.S. tour? It would be cool if you could hop on tour with a bigger name band to get some popularity here in the states. I know if you came to New England in the U.S. (the Northeastern states) you would be welcomed by the metal fans in the area. Sonata Arctica are touring the U.S./Canada soon, if you could somehow get on that tour with them, it would be pretty amazing. Otherwise, are you planning to do a U.S. tour anytime soon?
No such plans yet, we'll start recording our second full-length album early next year, then we'll most certainly do a tour in Finland, and hopefully Europe a bit later. It would be of course great to do an american tour with a bigger name...but one thing at a time, now we'll focus on the next record, and if Ukko is pleased, we'll probably get to north America sooner or later!!!