This is a question for Mikko.
I love your acoustic guitar parts and I am wondering what is the name of the style that you use (if there is a name)? I have never heard that style of playing before and I am interested in learning it.
Whoa, what a question!
First of all...whenever I play ANY type of guitar (or anyone else for that matter, unless they are VERY confined in their own genre), it's a combination of styles, a blend of a vast amount of influences, with hopefully a little something of my own...although everything has basically been done a million times, so creating something truly new is nearly impossible. Nevertheless, it's exactly the unique blend of influences that makes each player slightly different. Of course, many players can still sound boring.
(including myself!)'s how you use and combine these influences that makes for an interesting and personal style.
Anyway, if you were expecting an answer such as: "I'm a member of the Helsinki-flamenco-folk-metal-guitarclub, so i play that style", i'm sorry to dissapoint you, but it just isn't like that.
But if I must try to analyze, for example "after the storm" is very folky, the basic chord strumming stuff such as in the chorus is just basic "campfire strumming". The intro/verse is more celtic influenced, perhaps a little to do with me being a Jethro tull fan. I also tried to put some "technical" :Smug: licks in there, they might be stolen from some real acoustic players such as tommy emmanuel. The solo has some jazz-type phrasing, a style I'm TRYING to practice every now and then.
Does this get you anywhere? I recommend listening to some top acoustic players, for example the guitar trio with Al DiMeola, John Mclaughlin and Paco de Lucia...celtic music, flamenco, acoustic gypsy jazz, middle eastern guitarists, whatever. You'll also notice quickly that different styles might sound so different and yet have so much in common at the same time...
Damn, I got carried away again!