Ask Phelice a question (about Bochum)

1) All 3 are best by train. It is one and the same... erm... I dont think there is an english word for it -.- Verkehrsverbund... which means err.. well you can travel cheap in the Ruhrgebiet.

Damn it. Oh, just look here ^^

2) There are several hostels, hotels and stuff, and it even looks like I can get another friend to accomodate 2-3 people, so don't worry folks, I will do my best ;)

3) You don't actually need taxis in this area. Bus and tram go until deep in the night, and you may have to wait longest 30mins. But yea, you can get a taxi from mostly everywhere you can do a call from. But they are quite expensive, unfortunately.

Thanks :)
Most definitely!

The wait is already killing me tho..

No kidding have till end of December to go, and it's still summer! ARGH!
Must invent time machine!
This is going to be a blast, seeing all my friends from here. Going to Berlin (I hope!) Drunk shoe shopping (ROAR!) Can't wait to fall out of the sizing chair, wee haw!
And of course the best part, FOUR METAL NIGHTS WITH AMON AMARTH!:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
I smoked menthol when I had a cold, a few years ago. For about half a year, I wasn't able to smoke a normal cig since then. But wasn't less addictive -.-

I heard of American Spirit, those are the ones without perfume and stuff, right? Would LOVE to try them! We have Marlboro, Camel, Pall Mall and that stuff here, too.
Oh, but please no non-filtered ones, I hate having the tobacco in my mouth, and spitting it out always makes me feel like a coachman :D

From London to Bochum, will you go by plane or by rail/ferry/tunnel?
I smoked menthol when I had a cold, a few years ago. For about half a year, I wasn't able to smoke a normal cig since then. But wasn't less addictive -.-

I heard of American Spirit, those are the ones without perfume and stuff, right? Would LOVE to try them! We have Marlboro, Camel, Pall Mall and that stuff here, too.
Oh, but please no non-filtered ones, I hate having the tobacco in my mouth, and spitting it out always makes me feel like a coachman :D

From London to Bochum, will you go by plane or by rail/ferry/tunnel?

Okkies! Do you smoke strong or light cigs? They have the ultra lights all the way to strong. There's a local cigar place here, anything you want from there?
Got Jeff Dunham ready?
From Bochum to London, you will have good chances to get cheap last-minute-offers in Düsseldorf. But also, if you book early, you can get there for 29€ (to Stansted, which is 30 Minutes from London city center).

The informations about the flight time varys much. With British Airways, you fly 50 minutes. Airberlin say they fly 20 minutes from Düsseldorf to London. Others say 2 hours. I think it depends on the airline? Sorry I think I can't really tell you reliable details :(
From Bochum to London, you will have good chances to get cheap last-minute-offers in Düsseldorf. But also, if you book early, you can get there for 29€ (to Stansted, which is 30 Minutes from London city center).(

Why am i being quoted £250 for flights to Dusseldorf then :err:

not from you Phelice, I mean from websites I've been on.
At 29 euros flights it could be doable...
Or maybe it's just with that airline :(
Checking stansted for return flights to Dusseldorf.


That's awesome. Hm.
I'll have to see closer to december if I'm gonna be able to do this.
You leave Dusseldorf at 6:30, arrive at stansted at 6:50 :p Timezones are awesome.
You can get any beer at every supermarket. If you would like to visit a brewery, I would recommend DAB in Dortmund. Their beer tastes horrible but they have nice guided tours. You can learn much there.
Oh, and you HAVE to try Altbier! And Veltins!

The German Altbiers I've tried so far are:
Rhenania Alt
Diebels Alt
Schlösser Alt
Vormann Alt aus Dahl
will try and find some more if possible.

I've also tried
Veltins Pilsener
but nothing else from their brewery.

For Bochum I've now heard that
Fiege’s Stammhaus
is supposed to be a good place to try the beers from the
Privatbrauerei Moritz Fiege
brewery, have you been?
Ah lol I didn't think of the time zones hehe. Was wondering how to do that journey in 20 minutes :lol:

@gnoff: So you tried Schlösser - That is sort of the "parent Altbier". If you like that, you will probably like most of the other Altbiers, too.
And also Veltins was an excellent choice. That is my fav pils, and I can say that because I tried lots of pils's :D

Fiege is actually medium enjoyable beer. It is OK. Just couldn't remember whereit is brewed as I didn't drink it for a while. Wasn't at the Stammhaus yet, haven't even heard of it as I have to admit. I am gonna check it out at first opportunity and tell what it's like :)
i dont think Duckstein is Alt-Bier, isnt it just dark beer? doesnt matter anyway its a good one...

I just had a look at the beer list of the zeche. I recommend "Krombacher vom fass" 2.50 € or maybee Heineken but thats more expensive.
They have Alt-Bier also, but Im not altbier fan so I would recommend Krombacher.

@Phelice do they have other beer, too? or only these ?
They will have only the ones listed.

For those of you who don't know some of the drinks listed or don't speak german:
Krombacher is drinkable, it is sort of the best of the cheap beers. Frankenheim vom Fass (from the barrel) is nice, in case you like Altbeer. I don't know which sparkling wine (Sekt) they have, but who wantd to drink that on this kind of event anyway. Desperados is tequila flavoured beer (you should have it everywhere else on the wolr, too I think).
Frankenheim blue = Altbeer with cola, Smirnoff Ice = vodka with lemon.
Becks is also a quite good beer. Heineken would be the one I recommend as I like to drink it myself. Never tried Miller.
Schnäpse = slugs (whichever they have), Wasser = water (whoever will drink that), Longdrinks einfach/doppelt = longdrinks single/double.

Oh and Duckstein I think is red beer.
They will have only the ones listed.

For those of you who don't know some of the drinks listed or don't speak german:
Krombacher is drinkable, it is sort of the best of the cheap beers. Frankenheim vom Fass (from the barrel) is nice, in case you like Altbeer. I don't know which sparkling wine (Sekt) they have, but who wantd to drink that on this kind of event anyway. Desperados is tequila flavoured beer (you should have it everywhere else on the wolr, too I think).
Frankenheim blue = Altbeer with cola, Smirnoff Ice = vodka with lemon.
Becks is also a quite good beer. Heineken would be the one I recommend as I like to drink it myself. Never tried Miller.
Schnäpse = slugs (whichever they have), Wasser = water (whoever will drink that), Longdrinks einfach/doppelt = longdrinks single/double.

Oh and Duckstein I think is red beer.

I drink mostly amber and pale ales, what do you recommend I try/drink over there?
Duckstein is red beer, Yes. but Im not sure if its categorized as red beer.
you really should Try Krombacher, you can try Becks, too but that has an one very unique taste which I dont really like. Try out. Miller is, to me, very light, has no real taste, like water.

OT: @Phelice: what a beatiful dog. a shame that such dogs leave so soon, I feel very sorry for you.