Ask The Band Thread

Hi, I never really post here but I was wondering a few things...

1 - Are any of you guys into "over-melodic" metal bands such as Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Ensiferum, and others?

2 - On the subject of music, what is the view of the religious members of the Orphaned Land on blatantly anti-religous bands? For instance I noticed that while Kobi's favorite book is the Bible, one of his top five albums is At the gates - The Red Sky is Ours (quite a contrast)

3 - Favorite Video Games? :grin:
1. We like all kinds of music without a definition, could be Napalm Death or Anathema, just an example.

2. We are not religious by suciety definitions, so,e of us do have a belief, the others don't, we are very much diffrent from the other band members and thats what make our music so strange, I think all goes to one, if you find the way to combine it, you can read the bible while listenning to At The Gates :)

3. Don't have any...
I'll answer the last one too:

1. Melodic bands are cool and I like the music that I listen to be very melodic, and "over melodic" - I don't know what you mean, is there such thing? :) Now seriously, I think that anything that you make too much of might lose the point, but I don't have anything wrong to say about the genre.

2. The religious beliefs in the band might move between God worshipers to complete atheists and everything in between, and the fact that these kind of beliefs can co-exist is a lot of what OL is all about. A no need to fight about belief thing.

3. I'm kind of an adventure game freak. Games like the Nancy Drew series, CSI, all the Lisure Suit Larrys (except for the last wierd one, which was different but cool), and so on. Also I like the Tekken serious, SoulBlade & SoulCalibour, GTA, Doom, FIFA and Solitare :).
It was in 1997, I saw that the metal music is not distributed in Israel and I started a company called MDMA, back then we were the only one that resurrected the distrtibution for metal music, ever since I left the company and concantrated on the band but I still deal with a few labels that I consider to be very important and in order to keep me some income to make a living while Im with OL on the road ect.
This song ("Disciples Of The Sacred Oath") was recorded at the 'El Norra Alila' recording sessions. We knew in advance that one track will have to go to the 'Holy Records' collection as an unreleased track. The choice was made on this song for several reasons, the most significant one was that it wasn't coherent with the rest of the album tracks, and it hardly connected in it's vibe/atmosphere to the rest of the songs in 'El Norra Alila' - it's significantly more fast/"brutal"/"too experimental" in many ways.

For the record - I *love* this song :p
Ko_B said:
It was in 1997, I saw that the metal music is not distributed in Israel and I started a company called MDMA, back then we were the only one that resurrected the distrtibution for metal music, ever since I left the company and concantrated on the band but I still deal with a few labels that I consider to be very important and in order to keep me some income to make a living while Im with OL on the road ect.

thats badass man, finding a niche market like that - hope it continues to work out for you
Hello everybody, hello my orphaned friends!

I would have a question in connection with the song 'Mabool (The Flood)'.
What is the origin of its symphonic intro? Have you composed it or is it an extract from an existing work? It may manifest how uneducated I am;). But I haven't found anything about it in the booklet.

Thank you in advance.
The music was written by us. The specific quartet composition in the intro was re-arranged by the individual cello player that played in the recording (his name is Noam) who took it into a more "classic" approach. But the original music is still very much there.
Basically, everything is written on guitar and translated later to whatever instrument we choose to play it.
Thank you for the quick answer, Yossi :)

And thank you all for your marvelous concert in Hungary, this July. I couldn't hope just a year ago that you would come to us, and the gig was an unforgettable experience for me. I know these words are clichéd but I cannot express it in anoother way.
Q to all band: you say in your replies that some of you are not religious at all, however, in some emails all of you say that "their prayes are with xxxx"...isn't is hypocrite?
Kairit said:
Q to all band: you say in your replies that some of you are not religious at all, however, in some emails all of you say that "their prayes are with xxxx"...isn't is hypocrite?

I never said such a thing. But however, I'm a nonbeliever, of the biblical god anyway, and I seldom find myself prey, when I feel lost or want something badly. Old habbits die hard.
I'm not from the band:d but I am a non beliver too, and I still go to the temple on Holy Days like Rosh Hashana or Iom Kipur and pray... It's more like a tradition suff with me