Astrological Signs


Nov 19, 2001
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Now dont stone me for this thread, Please!

Over the last month three women out of the blue--and two who I had just met--correctly guessed my Astrological sign. Now I am not one who believes in this kind of stuff but, after one has been told by three people--and two random people--what their astrological sign is, then one starts to reconsider. The description of my sign even fits my personality. Anyone have any feelings about this? Is it just random coincidence, or is there something to it?

I know in the distant past rulers and common people based their decisions on astrological signs, and I always thought this was preposterous. However, maybe I was wrong.
I've never really payed much attention to them to be honest.

At least not unitl when i was trying to grow my hair long and my girlfriend pointed out that being a Leo (my sign) apparently means you are proud of your hair/mane (as in what a lion has!). I didn't think much of it, but some of the other characteristics are my similar to my character as well.
Not really sure what to make of it!
I dunno. I like to consider myself a reasonably logical person, but i find it difficult to totally disregard spiritual things. I think astronomy is interesting at times. I see no reason why we cant be moved, on a spiritual level, but the planets. That sounds silly, tbh...but theres an element of romanticism about things we do not know that i like, such as the connection between ourselves and our world.
Agreed. The biggest reason why I can't accept it is the fact that everyone born during the same time frame (a whole month mind you) will have the same qualities. It may however hold some value. Let's say that you are born during winter. During your life now, each stage of your development is going to be synchronized with other people who were born during the winter as well. That's just a thought though.
I'd have to admit though, the idea of our lives being "guided/controlled/moved" by planets that are millions of miles away is pretty far fetched.
Astrology has been about longer than we have known of the existence of all the planets too. Does that mean if a new planet is ound we have to alter the whole thing? Or does it mean that all previous readings for your life were incorrect as they didn't take into account this new planet?
Astrology is bullshit. Anyone who thinks stars influence our personal lives in some way is a moron. They just say stuff that are relevant to everyone like 'you have a good sense of justice' or 'it's a good time to make new friends'. I mean, seriously. Two people with completely different genetics who are educated in different houses will have similar personality just because they have the same birthdate? That's such an absurd. Astrology is the proof people are pretty fucking stupid.
Astrology relies on self-fulfilling prophesies. People who believe in it the most are the ones who see results. Skeptics are far less likely to.

Speed, for every coincidence that does take place, there are at least a million that don't.
As i said, i'm not entirely cynical about the whole thing, like some insulting fellow was above. The silly things you read in tabloid newspapers are bullshit, 100%. But i just don't see it as an entire motive to rule out "outside" forces determining our lives somehow. Terrence McKenna thinks we are being dragged through time by a future force, towards some predestined place and time - it's pretty fascinating. I'm not saying its true, but you can't always just dismiss it.
Final_Product said:
As i said, i'm not entirely cynical about the whole thing, like some insulting fellow was above. The silly things you read in tabloid newspapers are bullshit, 100%. But i just don't see it as an entire motive to rule out "outside" forces determining our lives somehow. Terrence McKenna thinks we are being dragged through time by a future force, towards some predestined place and time - it's pretty fascinating. I'm not saying its true, but you can't always just dismiss it.

Who is this Terrence Mckenna fellow, and does he, or did he write for the Twilight Zone?

I have some Syrian and Greek friends who have also read my coffee grounds and done a palm reading. The coffee grounds have been proven false, but the predictions of the palm reading are still going strong.
I think there is some truth in it, maybe astrological, maybe not. It's clear that people born around the same time have similar characteristics but it can't be because of seasonal conditions, influencing development, as a Libra born in Australia would have totally different characteristics from a libra born in Britain. Surely it must be a planetary thing then, to influence the entire planet at once and produce traits for global groups born at the same time.

There must be some outside influence as it is clear that certain astrological signs have certain characteristics, how else could random people identify your astrological sign otherwise?
Demiurge said:
Speed, preeminent astrologers(as if such things exist) cannot successfully guess people's signs, so I wouldn't put much credence in this.

Well, I am just saying it was interesting. I generally roll my eyes at such things, but you know, women like this kind of thing, so I play along.

Someone previously mentioned it, but how in the world does the alignment of the stars influence or predict ones personality or future? Or, is it really true that people born during the same periods share the same personality traits?
Conversations on the edge of the apocolypse. There's alot of exciting interviews in that book (its by by david jay brown). He interviews alot of emminent scientists, political theorists, psychologists, spiritualists, and even comedians and asks them many questions similar in to tone astrology (like the terrence mckenna thing i mentioned above). There a HUGE scientific basis for belief in what could be called para-psychology. It's a good read.
I won't quote anyone but I think my post will be in some way adressed to all comments in this thread:
Have in mind that I hate to talk to anything and have opinion about things I don't know for real, so I am talking from my own experience if I can. Also, I am very logically oriented, and very suspicious to different forms of superstitious beliefs, no matter if they are about glass breaking curse or about taking "scientific thruths" for granted because science as only trustfull religion is always right.

First, how many times You have talked with someone that DOES know astrology very well and thinks it is a bullshit? Only people that does not have knowledge about it and are not using it as a tool think negative. Naturally, You could say that those people are just sticking to their imagination, but think again, in all other aspects of life and different interests there are people that were really into something and then are dissapointed and are dissing this thing: For instance, someone can play guitar and be into music, and then lose interest and start to fell like it all does not have a sense, like it was all just based on his dreams of becoming popular, and he stops playing. There is always someone that was dissapointed in something that he loved or was really interested in, but somehow, I have never met a person that has learned astrology and after that got opinion astrology is just imagination, and there is nothing real there. On the other hand I know some people like my friend that became astrologer because he was studying Psychology at university, and wanted to prove that Astrology can't work, but then he ended amazed at results he got when making natal charts for people he knew.

Then there are those people hating when someone is asking them about their sign, because they think the other person is making pressumptions about them, and in some way they are not treated like a unique person, but something like part of a class of people, just a simple pattern of behaviour. This is true, personal natal chart has a lot of data, and two person of the same sun sign can be quite different, one should not judge a person by sun sign. But have in mind that some people just want to know you better without any negative attitude, and this is their way to have some quick grasp of you by knowing your sun sign. I personally avoid to ask people about that except females because they don't take this negatively most of the time.

Then there is this thing with "Stars". Sorry to dissapoint you, but physical planets, real pieces of rock floating in endless vacuum of space have very little to do with horoscope and your character traits. It is hard to understand how does horosope works if you don't know a bit about holographic view at universe, often popping up in modern physics, and about K.G. Jungs theory of Synchronisity. In causal way of thinking, there is no way planet moving has to do anything with yourself. In synchronistic concept, every part of the whole is connected with other parts, and just like hologram, has part of the information. There is no differece if part is big or small, all information about whole are there. What changes is resolution naturally, you can't get sharp clear picture from a small piece of holographic pic.
What you can in synchronistic universe is to take relatively closed system, that is easy to mathematically calculate and easy enough to follow, and use it to calculate everything else against this first system. In case of Astrology, mathematical system is moving of planets around the sun. So, Astrology is just a decoding of relationships between personal microcosmos, personal universe, and solar system. Thru hundreds and even thousands of years, people in different cultures were learning how to find relationships between solar system and life of the individual. They would calculate precise astronomical data and followed lives of their fellow man collecting informations. So all that work ended as different astrological systems as we know them today. This is simplified way of explaining, have that in mind, but I hope it sheds some light on the subject, and I am struggling to explain myself in english, so I hope this has turned out right...

Also, people hate astrology because they think it is connected with idea of fixed destiny and takes their right to make their choices from them. This is not true. Personal natal chart is not telling who you are literary: It is just giving parameters, boundaries that do keep you getting outside, but are still giving you a lot of freedom to choose what you will do inside. So when you have in chart one aspect that says that person can do on their own, but other aspect telling us that person tend to get married early and be tied to a lot of people, this is not inaccuracy, but it gives a portrait of a person that is filled with different desires and is struggling with opposites in herself.
You can compare that with sailing. You can use wind to sail in every direction, except directly against the wind, but you can get to most of places, if you know how wind acts, and learn to use it. So this is what astrology is, just a tool that lets you have a better control of your life, and not enemy of freedom to choose.

Finally, there is predictive astrology. You know that stuff from papers and magazines. Well, most of the times it is rubbish. It is not personal, so it would be stupid to think that 1/12 of all population will have similar happenings in one day. There are predictive horoscopes made for one single person, based on his natal chart, but they are often innacurate too, (it would take some time to explain why, but one of the reasons is naturally a certain degree of freedom to choose) but they can give a picture of general tendentions for a person in some period, and that can have some use, but it is hardly possible to make predictions like "You will get married at September 13. 2004.".
Finally there are astrologers talking about destiny of the nation, global things and stuff, and personaly I think it is intentional bullshiting, there is to many parametters to get any accurate result about global happenings all over the planet.

Have in mind there is not a lot of people that are astrologers that really understand how it works, just like there are people working with machines they cannot build or dissasemble, and many of them are intentionally mistifying astrology, they get their money because people tend to be superstitious, and they are using it to their adventage. It would be practical to educate public about astrology, at least a bit, because in this way things are right now, astrrology is a missuse and fraud in more then 50% of cases.
Dushan S said:
I won't quote anyone but I think my post will be in some way adressed to all comments in this thread:
Have in mind that I hate to talk to anything and have opinion about things I don't know for real, so I am talking from my own experience if I can. Also, I am very logically oriented, and very suspicious to different forms of superstitious beliefs, no matter if they are about glass breaking curse or about taking "scientific thruths" for granted because science as only trustfull religion is always right.

First, how many times You have talked with someone that DOES know astrology very well and thinks it is a bullshit? Only people that does not have knowledge about it and are not using it as a tool think negative. Naturally, You could say that those people are just sticking to their imagination, but think again, in all other aspects of life and different interests there are people that were really into something and then are dissapointed and are dissing this thing: For instance, someone can play guitar and be into music, and then lose interest and start to fell like it all does not have a sense, like it was all just based on his dreams of becoming popular, and he stops playing. There is always someone that was dissapointed in something that he loved or was really interested in, but somehow, I have never met a person that has learned astrology and after that got opinion astrology is just imagination, and there is nothing real there. On the other hand I know some people like my friend that became astrologer because he was studying Psychology at university, and wanted to prove that Astrology can't work, but then he ended amazed at results he got when making natal charts for people he knew.

Then there are those people hating when someone is asking them about their sign, because they think the other person is making pressumptions about them, and in some way they are not treated like a unique person, but something like part of a class of people, just a simple pattern of behaviour. This is true, personal natal chart has a lot of data, and two person of the same sun sign can be quite different, one should not judge a person by sun sign. But have in mind that some people just want to know you better without any negative attitude, and this is their way to have some quick grasp of you by knowing your sun sign. I personally avoid to ask people about that except females because they don't take this negatively most of the time.

Then there is this thing with "Stars". Sorry to dissapoint you, but physical planets, real pieces of rock floating in endless vacuum of space have very little to do with horoscope and your character traits. It is hard to understand how does horosope works if you don't know a bit about holographic view at universe, often popping up in modern physics, and about K.G. Jungs theory of Synchronisity. In causal way of thinking, there is no way planet moving has to do anything with yourself. In synchronistic concept, every part of the whole is connected with other parts, and just like hologram, has part of the information. There is no differece if part is big or small, all information about whole are there. What changes is resolution naturally, you can't get sharp clear picture from a small piece of holographic pic.
What you can in synchronistic universe is to take relatively closed system, that is easy to mathematically calculate and easy enough to follow, and use it to calculate everything else against this first system. In case of Astrology, mathematical system is moving of planets around the sun. So, Astrology is just a decoding of relationships between personal microcosmos, personal universe, and solar system. Thru hundreds and even thousands of years, people in different cultures were learning how to find relationships between solar system and life of the individual. They would calculate precise astronomical data and followed lives of their fellow man collecting informations. So all that work ended as different astrological systems as we know them today. This is simplified way of explaining, have that in mind, but I hope it sheds some light on the subject, and I am struggling to explain myself in english, so I hope this has turned out right...

Also, people hate astrology because they think it is connected with idea of fixed destiny and takes their right to make their choices from them. This is not true. Personal natal chart is not telling who you are literary: It is just giving parameters, boundaries that do keep you getting outside, but are still giving you a lot of freedom to choose what you will do inside. So when you have in chart one aspect that says that person can do on their own, but other aspect telling us that person tend to get married early and be tied to a lot of people, this is not inaccuracy, but it gives a portrait of a person that is filled with different desires and is struggling with opposites in herself.
You can compare that with sailing. You can use wind to sail in every direction, except directly against the wind, but you can get to most of places, if you know how wind acts, and learn to use it. So this is what astrology is, just a tool that lets you have a better control of your life, and not enemy of freedom to choose.

Finally, there is predictive astrology. You know that stuff from papers and magazines. Well, most of the times it is rubbish. It is not personal, so it would be stupid to think that 1/12 of all population will have similar happenings in one day. There are predictive horoscopes made for one single person, based on his natal chart, but they are often innacurate too, (it would take some time to explain why, but one of the reasons is naturally a certain degree of freedom to choose) but they can give a picture of general tendentions for a person in some period, and that can have some use, but it is hardly possible to make predictions like "You will get married at September 13. 2004.".
Finally there are astrologers talking about destiny of the nation, global things and stuff, and personaly I think it is intentional bullshiting, there is to many parametters to get any accurate result about global happenings all over the planet.

Have in mind there is not a lot of people that are astrologers that really understand how it works, just like there are people working with machines they cannot build or dissasemble, and many of them are intentionally mistifying astrology, they get their money because people tend to be superstitious, and they are using it to their adventage. It would be practical to educate public about astrology, at least a bit, because in this way things are right now, astrrology is a missuse and fraud in more then 50% of cases.

Excellent post. It raises a number of questions. First I had no idea how astrology came into being. Second I find this Jungian reference of yours to be quite interesting. Third I agree with you, most astrologists are cheats. My astrological sign Taurus is dead on my personality in most instances--and I read the traits for other signs just to make sure I wasnt over-indentifying or something.

I've noticed this is much bigger in Eastern Europe and the Eastern Meditteranean. Ive lived in Greece, and visited a number of Eastern European countries, and I am always fascinated by how superstitious and spiritual the people are. People I got to know were always wanting to give me a coffee ground or palm reading.

How about Palm Readings? I ask because I was told by the people tgat read my hand I would be extremely successful by the time I hit 30. Its a nice psychological support, let me tell you.
What, how can you take that Astrology stuff seriously. It's nothing but shits and giggles. I'm Taurus too by the way.