At shows who's t-shirts do you see more of?


Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
Okay, so your at a show be in rock-n-roll, metal, power or whatever...who's concert t-shirts do you see more of?

I must say that last years shows (13) I saw more Iron Maiden concert t-shirts, sometimes even more Maiden shirts than the band who is headlining the show. Just wondering what you guys see throughout the world.
I see a lot of Tool shirts at the shows I go to. A lot. Also, lots of death metal bands, although not specifically at death metal shows. Hmmm.
Well hmm when I went to Ozzfest lastyear I saw Mostly Slipcock shirts ... and I was the only ONE in the ntire crowd of atleast 20,000 with a Manowar Shirt! :) ... Otherthan that ... Iron Maiden, Judas Priest,Metallica ... I see those 3 at every single show I go to .... Though at PPV there was Alot of Edguy and Kamelot shirts running around
wow, I thoght you would all say slayer shirts.
me and my friend were counting vio-lence shirts and my brother busts in saying, lol, :tickled: why don't you count the slayer shirts. There were so freakin many of them.

I never see a coroner shirt, which is odd, I will wear my punishment for decadence shirt next time.
Usually at progpower there are lots of blind guardian because they are the least rare, but overall they are not the best progpower band out there, other shirts were easier to fid there wouldn't be as many.
It's out of line but I once saw a guard at the Mosambiquean borderpost wearing a System of a Down T-shirt, I mean that's in the middle of nowhere, talk about exposure...
It depends on the event. If I gto to a thrash concert, it's a lot of Metallica and Slayer. For classic bands, it's Priest, Maiden and Dio. At prog or power concerts, it's Dream Theater, Helloween and Blind Guardian.

Shoot, I think I see more Metallica than anything else. Second is Maiden and Iced Earth. I see a few BLS shirts here and there, one of them being worn by me of course.
Tommy Hilfiger
I see a lot of those goddamn HIM shirts around now at metal shows and hell
there a goth band! (very loosely goth band compared to Bauhaus, Electric Hellfire
Club and so on!) But usually its Slayer, Slipknot, Metallica and being in indiana
ICP shirts I see a lot. Even though the Lady vocalist fro Estuary was wearing
a Coroner shirt and the guitar player of that band was wearing a Nihilist shirt
which are some rare tees that I see around at their show a couple of Saturdays ago
At most shows (mind you kittybeast and I go to all shows together :D ) I see tons Maiden shirts also a lot of Iced Earth and Metallica... but mostly Maiden as Eddie is such a handsome lad :loco:

Speaking of Maiden shirts I got a new girlie one with BYDTTS :p

Also scored about 2 weeks ago a POM shirt with front and back graphic :oops: had to be a youth medium and now I will devil-it-up :heh:
KISS and Iron Maiden probably. They are the two I see EVERYWHERE no matter what type of show it is. They seem to be the constants that people in every style of rock/metal scene where everywhere around. Though lately there have been HEAPS of Motley Crue shirts everywhere too, they seem to be the "in" band again. Though the Crue ones are just more at the hard rock and glam shows and clubs.