Atheism (Do you believe in God? If yes, then why?)

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I don't see the christian allegory there,i haven't heard suche a marazm about Tolkien:(why do you think so?sorry,but i'm sure you have read some stupid article of a stupid critic..i don't know....And i wanted to ask you,are you orthodox or catholic?

A Christian Apologist named Peter Kreeft did a lecture on Lord of the Rings, trying to relate it to Christianity, the audio of which is available here.

Peter Kreeft - Insights Into Evil
Oh,i read - The real fellowship of the ring - Salon,and listend to Kreeft's speech.To my mind these are the ussual articles...So,what can I say..
All I think about Christianity is written down.The most harmful aspect of christianity is internacionalism,that leads to the destructive all human races.the cultivation of the insufficient man, the concept of sin and regret.I will add,that christianity is a diagnoses,and it should be solved by a medical sciense:)sorry if someone is angry about that.You believe in saint angels,I believe in noble elfs,gods,godesses:)I don't see any problem in it.
Hail mother nature!Auf wiedersehnnn:)hehee Tomorrow we have our first live concert and I am very hapyyyyyy:)
"Believing in deities with horns, ten hands and superpowers is just as hilarious as believing in a single lone immortal entity who supposedly created the universe" - quoted from an Atheist.

I believe, if u say any religion is hilarious and wrong, so is yours. Because if there's a chance for a religion to be wrong, then all religions are tools of division as all of them have chances to be wrong.

Religion dates back as far as the Cromagnons. Over time, knowledge and thinking ability had been both in AND out. To think about who made the world or whether there are Gods or Deities would require a good deal of thinking ability and knowledge. I would say the ancient Aryans, Dravidians, Egyptians & Greeks had the sweet spot, hence rendering two possible theories:

Either they were very intelligent and knowledgable, which would mean Polytheism is more right than any other belief, OR, they were intelligent but knowledge was lacking due to the short Earth time of their existence and growth - thus Polytheism would be a desperate fantasy to illustrate a common existence (land, fire, spirit, water).

In contrast, if you take a look at the Abrahamic, Dharmic, and Pagan beliefs side by side, you notice they have a similarity; a certain God of Creation. The creation here may mean universe, or man, or both including the universe itself. Most religious scriptures have either been passed down or recorded in stones and other ancient mediums, which are claimed by their followers to be true and correct without physical evidence. Well, belief is afterall not a question, as long as you can live and be worthy of your physical existence. Anyway the Abrahamic faith dominates 90% of the world.

J R R Tolkien himself was a Roman Catholic. The Lord of the Rings pretty much had alot of references to "The One" refering to "God", and no The One doesn't refer to Deities as a whole, it basically means 1 and only.

In the fight to prove which faith is "correct", Atheists and Agnostics are the winners here because they don't bother themselves and go into any fights. Safe are they :lol: Well maybe Agnostics are a lil less safe because they are only skeptics, not entirely rejecting the absence of God or a Creator.
"In contrast, if you take a look at the Abrahamic, Dharmic, and Pagan beliefs side by side, you notice they have a similarity; a certain God of Creation"--oh,i can't agree with you.You know,pagan relligion is only for EUROPEANS,it is a big nonsense for ASIANS:)Pagan is a native,ancient relligion of our,European forfathers,and of caurse,ours,but unfortunatelly the modern world destroys everything:(

"In the fight to prove which faith is "correct", Atheists and Agnostics are the winners here because they don't bother themselves and go into any fights. Safe are they Well maybe Agnostics are a lil less safe because they are only skeptics, not entirely rejecting the absence of God or a Creator."--hehee:))You may be right,but I really don't like Atheists:(I don't understand they think that a man was created from monkey??I don't know...Stupid theory...

One question (i don't know,maybe it is already written).TO YOUR MIND,how was a man created?
N I A..heheh. Good to see you have good knowledge, I like Pagans who know that Paganism means Pentagrams and Witches and troo Europeans.

Paganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wonderful how a dictionary and online encyclopaedia can contain so much incorrect information, ey?

But anyway, did you know there weren't always people in Europe long time ago? Asian people migrated to Europe and killed the bisons and made clothes out of those animals and spray-painted in the caves. The climate and environment changed their body and skin tone. If you take a Japanese, a Middle Eastern, and a European and you draw a horizontal "S" across the map of Asia and Europe, in perfect proportion, pick out a person from the region in each 1-cm coordinate and place their looks in order of skin RGB and eye-nose spacing. What you'll get to see is Evolution and more hints of monkey features.

If Atheists claim there is no God, they have science by their side. Scientists must believe monkeys (most of them are black) laid eggs. So you don't understand science? Many of us don't, it's ok. However I personally believe we come from star dust, which can mean clay. Because Clay = Earth = Celestial Matter = Stardust = Creation of a mighty force which is God.
exactly. If God is in my toast I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do differently.

If God is some old [omni-potent omniscient] man in the clouds I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do differently. Now if God is an archaic book that is thousands of years old (as it is for most people), I would know what to do. But what exactly is the difference between a book and toast? They're both mere objects.
If God is some old [omni-potent omniscient] man in the clouds I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do differently. Now if God is an archaic book that is thousands of years old (as it is for most people), I would know what to do. But what exactly is the difference between a book and toast? They're both mere objects.

a book at least is an opinion of how to live life (As Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas equally is :kickass:), but if God is toast, stars, and toenail clippings, I'm at a loss.
the term 'god' would seem rather pointless and unnecessarily confusing, when you could far more accurately talk about toast, toenail clippings, and fundamental laws of the universe...
If Atheists claim there is no God, they have science by their side. Scientists must believe monkeys (most of them are black) laid eggs. So you don't understand science? Many of us don't, it's ok. However I personally believe we come from star dust, which can mean clay. Because Clay = Earth = Celestial Matter = Stardust = Creation of a mighty force which is God.

:goggly: I studyed Science for 2 years,so i know "something" of it:p As I understand,you are talking about The Big Bang Theory.yes,it is a very good theory,but the theory about monkeys....oooo..:erk: poor Marks... see, when we say God, what do we picture? Old pope with white beard? Ofcourse not..or...? :lol:

Well..the thing here is, God never tells us what He looks like (so he's supposedly a He since we have been accustomed to respectfully use a capital "H" when refering to "Him") in whatever holy scripture He "sends" through His messenger.

God is said to be within us, all around us etc. We don't even know whether God is indeed an entity, let alone physical or otherwise. I myself am a firm believer in a Superexistence, though I work and hang around with alot of Atheists. I like what Atheists think, that there is absolutely no God or whatsoever. That view is better than that of other God-believing people that think of God as a visible, active (in the sense that He talks and commands) entity after death.

Like in Stephen Hawking's books, he likes to prove the existence or absence of God. But sometimes it seems that the "unknown" boundaries of space and the definition of time prove that something of greater force and power exists in this universe. God may not be someone who commands or punishes or puts some of us up in heaven which is supposedly up there somewhere, but He may just be the infinite force of this universe which scientists have so much trouble cracking.

We are not aware of any kind of other forces and matter that is beyond our grasp, thus we don't know how powerful something can actually be. We are struggling to find out what was there before the Big Bang and whether there is an end to the universe.

N I A: Well if it wernt monkeys, then what is yer conclusion of us and all other things?
:D:D:D Now i will tell you how a man was created:)
Odin,the heavenly father,told his son Belobog(Heimdallr) to create a worthy race of men. Humanoid creatures already existed, worm-like dwarves and grotesque giants, but they were of little or no use to Odin . He needed a better breed of men, to help him protect the cosmos (=order, beauty) in the ongoing war against chaos. Heimdallr left Heaven and on Earth he created a human race.The first race he created was Trall's kin.These tralls were very ugly and black.Than he created the second human race,known as Free Men's kin.These people had red faces and hair,big eyes.Odin was not satisfied,and Belobog continued the mission.The third human race he created was known as Noble'kin (=Jarl's kin).The nobles had blonde hair, fair skin and fair eyes as sharp as a dragon.
After that Odin was very happy and he ordered Belobog to return to Earth and teach the runes (secrets, whispering lore) to the nobles, and he did.The white god then placed his Nobles over the North Pole, between Heaven and Earth, to be able to watch over his most noble children:)

" see, when we say God, what do we picture? Old pope with white beard? Ofcourse not..or...?"---:)yes mister:)we know Odin as white-bearded old man:)and we shouldn't say God,we should say Gods:)I don't believe in one god:)We also know the god of love (Freyr),but he has no white beard,he is tall,noble and beautiful:)

Odin is in Valhalla (the hall of chosen),and he is waiting for only chosen,fair and noble European people:)
P.S my grandfather is Atheist,and we have always a "fight" about this subject:D
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