Attention Nirvana Fans....


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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Patrick thinks Nirvana is better than Symphony X - both musically, and song-writting-ly.

And also - SX sounds like any other band if you take away their keyboards..

Can I still consider this guy a friend?


Is he dumb, or ignorant? - Yes - he's heard Symphony X too.
I like Nirvana... a lot. Just not as much as Symphony X. Nirvana was my favorite band for about 10 years until I heard Symphony X.

Talent wise, there's no comparison. Kurt can't play the guitar worth a damn. He's actually not a very talented guitar player at all, he just is very good at making catchy beats with very simple riffs.

Symphony X out talents ANYTHING Nirvana has ever put out, period.

And you take out the keyboards from Symphony X you have a very technical, very advanced metal band. Does it sound like any other band? Hell no! Without keyboards it's like probably some of the best non-prog metal you could get. With keyboards you have not only the best prog metal band but the best band period.

Kronikle66 said:
I like Nirvana... a lot. Just not as much as Symphony X. Nirvana was my favorite band for about 10 years until I heard Symphony X.

Talent wise, there's no comparison. Kurt can't play the guitar worth a damn. He's actually not a very talented guitar player at all, he just is very good at making catchy beats with very simple riffs.

Symphony X out talents ANYTHING Nirvana has ever put out, period.

And you take out the keyboards from Symphony X you have a very technical, very advanced metal band. Does it sound like any other band? Hell no! Without keyboards it's like probably some of the best non-prog metal you could get. With keyboards you have not only the best prog metal band but the best band period.

What he sad. I'm a fan of both too.
Luis said:
The Magic of SymphonyX is only for intelligent people...Life has chosen few people who enjoy the good music. Your frind sucks.

Ohh come on.. That had to be at least a little sarcastic. Only for intelligent people? That's pretty snobby if you ask me, as if listening to Symphony X makes you more intelligent than a lowly Nirvana fan. Sure, I think Nirvana sucks and Symphony X blows them away, but it's not like only intelligent people listen to Symphony X and idiots listen to Nirvana. And if you were just joking, don't make me look too stupid with whatever rebutal you give me. :tickled:
I think that there are special care centers for people like Patrick...

Does Patrick realize that Nirvana was just a rip off band of old punk riffs and melodies if you take away the hype?

I thought they were a copy band when I first heard them.

I still think they were...

Wait a Patrick the Patrick from SpongeBob Squarepants? THAT would explain a lot.

I don't know. Maybe there are people who think that boring, unintelligent, derivative, whiny, and unskilled is what good music is supposed to be. Who knows. It's a wacky world.
First off Patrick needs to talk using his brain instead of his ass. Nirvana was cool with Greenday when I was in middle school and thought metal was dead. But now my opinion has greatly changed. First off I cannot stand Nirvana anymore. Second off I have no idea why people list Kurt Cobain in the top 100 guitarists poles, its not like he could play anything technical other than cheesy riffs that stick in your head *cough teen spirit cough cough* so if you like nirvana fine. But be man enough to know that they don't have shit on Symphony X talent wise. Third off, taking out the keyboards would not make a difference in anything. Symphony X is their own thing, sure they are influnced by other bands, but all bands are, its the reason people pick up instruments in the first place. So saying Symphony X sounds like everything else is a thickskulled insult to fight for a lost cause. Next time he rants about this, tell him to come on aim. Ill gladly enlighten him on crap vs talent.
I love Nirvana.

But to compare SyX and Nirvana is a weird thing. I think Kurt was a very good songwriter and he putted lots of emotions in his work. And SyX is really a different thing, to say they're better, it's just a matter of tastes once again.
Nirvana had two good songs, and the rest was pure hype. In the time before Kurt's death, they were going downhill fast, and hadn't he died, they would have drifted away into "has-been land" in no time. Funny how people always sell more after they die... :Smug:
He's ignorant. Show him some SyX sheet music (teach him how to read first) and show him later some Nirvana sheets.

Ohh come on.. That had to be at least a little sarcastic. Only for intelligent people? That's pretty snobby if you ask me, as if listening to Symphony X makes you more intelligent than a lowly Nirvana fan. Sure, I think Nirvana sucks and Symphony X blows them away, but it's not like only intelligent people listen to Symphony X and idiots listen to Nirvana. And if you were just joking, don't make me look too stupid with whatever rebutal you give me.
Nirvana is so....blah. Their music is just so low and depressing to me, and his voice is so whiny. I think this person is just putting down Symphony X because he hasn't gotten out of his Nirvana-fan-boy phase. I know how that is, being a Symphony X-fan-girl myself. It's just a matter of growth.
Is it just me, or was Cobain NOT THAT GOOD of a songwriter? Nirvana never did anything for me. Never moved me, never made me rock out that much. My band does a few Nirvana tunes because my bass player loves them, and it's the most boring thing EVER.

Anyway, when people say stuff like that to me, I just laugh it off.
why does everyone assume if a band has keyboards theyre prog? if pinella were to leave the band , sy-x would still be prog. Sure, keyboards can be an element that makes up prog but the odd time signatures and intelligent musicianship is still there.