Attention Nirvana Fans....

umm lets check the care-o-meter on this one folks


anyways everyone has there opinions so if he thinks that good for him.
just remember, progressive/ Neo Classical music is for SMART people, usually with some attention span, thus its lack of popularity among the masses. And since the average person is a absolute moron ( avg IQ= 100 retarded =70). Well, I think we have the answer right there. :)
RobbM said:
just remember, progressive/ Neo Classical music is for SMART people, usually with some attention span, thus its lack of popularity among the masses. And since the average person is a absolute moron ( avg IQ= 100 retarded =70). Well, I think we have the answer right there. :)

For what its worth, I've seen a lot of retarded prog fans :D
OfSinsAndShred said:
Is it just me, or was Cobain NOT THAT GOOD of a songwriter?
Well, since nothing Nirvana did was anything original, all I can say is that he was successful at getting people to swallow a lot of recycled punk. It's not that he wasn't "that good of a songwriter," it's that he wasn't a songwriter at all. He was a pathetic, unwashed, unintelligent plagiarist. Wierd Al Yankovic's parody of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was more imaginative than the Nirvana's "original" version.
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but even Metallica were more original than Nirvana (and Metallica had very little originality at all, especially after Dave Mustaine left/was fired).
Originally Posted by RobbM
just remember, progressive/ Neo Classical music is for SMART people, usually with some attention span, thus its lack of popularity among the masses. And since the average person is a absolute moron ( avg IQ= 100 retarded =70). Well, I think we have the answer right there.

For what its worth, I've seen a lot of retarded prog fans


yup...all the fun people to bash on at concerts..:)
RobbM said:
just remember, progressive/ Neo Classical music is for SMART people, usually with some attention span, thus its lack of popularity among the masses. And since the average person is a absolute moron ( avg IQ= 100 retarded =70). Well, I think we have the answer right there. :)
That's quite an elitist assumption, maybe i'll elaborate a little bit tomorrow.
Hyoukinmono said:
Well, since nothing Nirvana did was anything original, all I can say is that he was successful at getting people to swallow a lot of recycled punk. It's not that he wasn't "that good of a songwriter," it's that he wasn't a songwriter at all. He was a pathetic, unwashed, unintelligent plagiarist. Wierd Al Yankovic's parody of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was more imaginative than the Nirvana's "original" version.
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but even Metallica were more original than Nirvana (and Metallica had very little originality at all, especially after Dave Mustaine left/was fired).

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Whats your address im going to mail you the money for a six pack for that one.
I agree with Matt... i have seen some retarded proggies... in fact, i have seen some retarded/stuck up symX fans here on the board (not thinking of any specifically, just i know i have seen some asshole stuff)
Woooow this guy must be a fucking idiot for preferring Nirvana to Symphony X! WTF is he smoking????

Y'know, you people bitching about someone liking Nirvana over Symphony X are portraying yourselves are far more closeminded than the person you are bashing.
Nirvana was a great band for that style. Kurt wrote some awsome songs. Dave was and still is a kick ass solid drummer. Nirvana rock in there own right. Comparing them is dumb, as is Patrick.
Hey, no bitching or bashing here, I was only joking about the nibbling with the kneecaps. I have a lot of respect for Nirvana. It's actually what I listened to before Symphony X. It's just a difference in taste, Nirvana vs. Symphony X. Hey, its all rock and roll here, not like it's Pop or American Idol, so I'm supportive of it.