ATTN people outside of USA

It's simply finances. You can't embrace the market economy or capitalism generally and expect people not to follow the money.

Mexico is a wonderful country rich in history and culture, the problem is that people can earn more in the U.S so they go there.

I'm originally from the United Kingdom, and I witnessed extensive immigration to that country from the continental European states over a long period, often from countries with a good standard of living, purely because the pound was stronger and they could earn more.
It's simply finances. You can't embrace the market economy or capitalism generally and expect people not to follow the money.

Mexico is a wonderful country rich in history and culture, the problem is that people can earn more in the U.S so they go there.

I'm originally from the United Kingdom, and I witnessed extensive immigration to that country from the continental European states over a long period, often from countries with a good standard of living, purely because the pound was stronger and they could earn more.

yes people "follow the money"
this is what is creating the problem (or perhaps only perceived problem) that led to the creation of this thread to begin with
In the UK, the Polish have been coming in. We are giving them houses to live in, and jobs to do for us. Why? Because they work for less than minimum wage. Being 15, I have experienced this change in school. Polish kids have been coming into our school, and WE have to make exceptions for them. For example, if the teacher is explaining a subject, and one of the Polish members do not understand, the teacher will sit there, and discuss it with them. Even though they do not speak a word of English. This may take all lesson. What education do WE get, if the teacher doesn't help us, and instead, helps the Polish kids, who won't get any grades, due to their lack of understanding of the English language, and inability to work.

They also work incredibly hard to support themselves and give their children a better chance in life. I don't hold to the idea that just because you're British, they're Polish and you're in Britain you should get the educational focus. It depends on many factors.

The Polish will simply work jobs the average Briton considers themselves "above", when they contribute such a huge chunk to public services and the tax budget, it's probably only fair that their children are entitled to an education. The capitalist wet dream is all about self betterment, is it not?
In the UK, the Polish have been coming in. We are giving them houses to live in, and jobs to do for us. Why? Because they work for less than minimum wage. Being 15, I have experienced this change in school. Polish kids have been coming into our school, and WE have to make exceptions for them. For example, if the teacher is explaining a subject, and one of the Polish members do not understand, the teacher will sit there, and discuss it with them. Even though they do not speak a word of English. This may take all lesson. What education do WE get, if the teacher doesn't help us, and instead, helps the Polish kids, who won't get any grades, due to their lack of understanding of the English language, and inability to work.

They simply have to go to English schools to learn the language and then start off with English people and thats it.
Hey, the British have a self of entitlement! We used to own 1/4 of the globe don't you know!

Have at it, or we'll be over there with a flag pronto!
In the UK, the Polish have been coming in. We are giving them houses to live in, and jobs to do for us. Why? Because they work for less than minimum wage. Being 15, I have experienced this change in school. Polish kids have been coming into our school, and WE have to make exceptions for them. For example, if the teacher is explaining a subject, and one of the Polish members do not understand, the teacher will sit there, and discuss it with them. Even though they do not speak a word of English. This may take all lesson. What education do WE get, if the teacher doesn't help us, and instead, helps the Polish kids, who won't get any grades, due to their lack of understanding of the English language, and inability to work.


Although I don’t want to go too deep into this I completely agree with what your saying, here in Australia at the schools i went to (and it really varies depending on what city you live in to which ethnicity it is)we have the same issues and i found it was really unfair that i had to spend countless lessons lessening to the same crap because people couldn’t speak/read/comprehend English, learn the native language of the country your in its only fair!

on another note a year or so ago people in west Sydney kept getting parking tickets because they couldn’t read the sings in English so the council put up signs in different languages (money that could have been better spent) and then they had the nerve to complain saying it was racist that we put signs up in there language WTF we were trying to help.

ok im done lol sorry for the ranting