Audix i5 appreciation thread.

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang,

I just wanted to thank everyone on the board here for turning me on to the i5. It's good on snare, but shockingly great on heavy rhythm guitar.

Here's my first experiment with it: test.mp3

Guitar signal chain as follows:

Mk I 5150
Marshall V30 cab
Audix i5
Great River MP2NV
Empirical Labs Distressor
RME Fireface 800

I put this track together to show off how the guitar sound works in a full mix. Unfortuantely, I'm the worst drummer on the planet, so the beat is terrible. However, I used the i5 on the snare here as well, and I thought it worked pretty good, when I hit the damn thing right, that is :) Oh yeah, and there's a d6 on the kick.

Anyway, enjoy.
Yay! I win! Just kidding. I saw Audix i5 and could not help but pipe in. Here's the backstory. I was waiting on FedEx and starting pounding JaagerMeister cuz FedEx sucks... SO the mic finally gets here and I'm friggin half loady... This riff is GAY GAY GAY... And GAY.

It's a freaking Randall RH100 head, Audix i5, Mesa 1x12 with V30, Studio Projects VTB1, into EMU 1820M and Sonar... and NO POST PROCESSING. No Andy C4 trick, which BTW is ruling. LOL dude... Much Audix Love...... Its like.. SM57 is a great mic and all but.. come on.. its time for some new meat...
"Better" would be pretty subjective. My suggestion would be to put it anywhere you'd put a 57, and A/B the results. Personally, I'm liking more on heavy rhythms than a 57.... it's a little smoother in the hi-mids, which for me anyway, makes it easier to get a good tone. YMMV.