Australian Idol 2005

Spiff said:
I did like him last night, though, when there was this really awful guy singing, and then he stumbled and Kyle said, "Oh no, you were through to the next round before that!" and the guy believed him and blamed Mark on ruining his chances because he was laughing at him.


Was that the guy who said "You are laughing, and putting shame on them while they are singing"? What a loser.
I just noticed tonight that Jacob Butler from The X Factor was one of the ones who got the boot during the group performances. Good to see they didn't even mention that he was on the other show (he was that Jakey B bloke that Kate was infatuated with). Another X Factor contestant, that red-headed chick from Kate's group who didn't make the final 9, got to the top 30 on Oz Idol. Again, they didn't mention the X Factor.

This year's show is gonna be tops.
I wish I could punch that Jake wankstain in the face. What an over-zealous tosser. Why can't these people who CAN'T sing, cop the criticism they are fed (and deserve) and get over themselves?

I'm glad now I've heard he didn't make the cut, not that I'm interested in the show, but more I'm happy to see this bastard and so many more cop rejection for mediocrity on the chin.
Okay, the fat guy with curly hair got booted, and he was awesome.

Does anyone know if that guy with a really strong vibrato made it through? He was the first dude in their "....and some really good!" montage. The fat guy was second, and then the dude with dreads was third.

That Wiggles guy has a good voice - but god damn he's just an impersonator. You hear him in his audition and he's got this deep Greg Page like voice, and now he sounds like a black man. That sort of thing annoys me.
You know what's great? Just about everyone they showed last night was singing rock, or some classic upbeat song at the very least. How many of you think this is the Bo Bice factor coming in to play? Or did they just ban "rn'b" songs? Although I did hear someone sing that fucking R. Kelly song but I didn't think they got through?
I have no real hopes for this year. No-one seems to be particularly standout. Last year we had Courtney, Casey, Chanel, Angie and even Billie (who didn't get to the finals)
I think he's the only credible singer (from the show). Good background rather than this r'n'b crap. He's pretty cool, he should get something serious going (if he hasn't already). He knows his stuff.
Has anyone been watching the show after Spicks and Specks? It's called We Can Be Heroes. It's absolutely hilarious.

Indigeri- Me
Indigeri- You



'Man from China have alot in common with Aboriginal man. If you put them both standing naked next to each other they look exacry tha same. Except Asian man have smaller penis'
It's on DVD if you've missed any of the series. Seriously, everyone should check it out, it's classic. 9pm, ABC, Wednesday.