Wacken 2005

None_So_Vile said:
Of all the bands at Wacken 2004, I managed to see..

Death Angel
Children of Bodom
Amon Amarth
Satyricon w/ Nocturno Culto (my god that was amazing)
Cannibal corpse (my god that was fucking appauling)
Arch Enemy

The rest I missed because I either wasn't interested or was too fucking knackered. I forgot to get sun cream so being the typical pale English person who looks like they've covered their whole body in corpsepaint....I fried like bacon. I wasn't too bothered about missing Destruction as I'd seen them at the X-Mass Fest 2003 in London.

I'll no doubt go to WOA 2005, tempted to get the christmas special offer thing on tickets
What about Dio, Grave Digger, Helloween, and Nevermore?