Australian Idol 2005

(back to the topic)

Yeah, I like how the guys seem to be manly men rather than wussy girly men like Anthony Callea and singing rock songs. Rock songs rule. I think the top 12 will definitely have more guys than gals this year. And yeah, I think this year's top 12 will be the best yet.
Yep, and he's the one that can't really sing all that great.

He's so AVERAGE. I can't believe he made it this far.
I turned on the TV and Idol had already been on for twenty minutes I'd say. I enjoyed the performances I saw and I think the talent, especially among the girls is amazing. Anyway, the rock singer who did his own version of Time After Time came on. Is his name Lindsay? Ok not an outstanding performance and it took me a while to try and get my head around his take on the song. I was not expecting what came out of Mark Holden when it was his turn to speak. This is one of the reasons I cannot watch this show. I just can't stand watching people be shot down in flames like that. To tell someone that they need to wear a mask in order for Mark Holden to be able to watch them was beyond horrible. That guy must have felt like crying. Maybe under normal circumstances he wouldn't but the pressure these people are under to pull of their songs in such a short space of time on television, in front of "unfriendly" judges only to be told you won't make it because you're ugly must be devastating... I just didn't think that was necessary. I also thought he was not ugly anyway. I thought he was good looking actually. But what does it matter? I know people don't want to see all nicey-nice all of the time. A bit of flame-throwing keeps it interesting. So I'll do what most people would suggest I do and that is, not watch it....
Yeah, wasn't too bad last night. I thought a few of them were boring, some were good though. That bloke that Moony mentioned was OK - his bending over and saying to Mark, "Pucker up, mate" was one of the TV highlights of the year so far.

Tarni Stephens who sang Sweet Child O' Mine was good, but they just butchered the song by cutting so much out of it. Started off OK, then went from the chorus straight to the "where do we go now" bit which just threw the whole thing out of wack.
Yeah, I thought so too, just the arrangement was shocking. Not her fault, just the fault of a show that demands a song goes for no more than 90 seconds or so.
I'd like to see Chopper Read audition for Idol. Now THAT would be funny.

I still think, in all seriousness, that he should be on Dancing With the Stars next year.
HAHAHAHAH, Dancing with the stars. The shittest of all shows.
You know I didnt like that Lindsay dude at first like Ceydn however, I grew to like him. I hope he comes back on wildcard. I want someone to fucking belt out some hard rocking metal.