Australian Idol 2005

Kate is from Bendigo, where I live. Apparently she is really up herself. Her parents own a big successful car dealership, so she doesn't need the money. A shame she isn't a bad singer then. :zombie:

She was the best this week, but that is because the standard was far lower than the first week. If she was on that show, she might not have even gotten through.
Nat was just average I guess. Decent voice, but too many other good ones just made her look average.

Jeremy was disappointing this week compared to all past performances. Weak voice. I thought he would be in for sure, until now.

Lauren is pretty hot (I have a thing for short chicks), but I didn't dig her voice much. It didn't suit her, seemed strange. She can sing though.

Leah wasn't bad, but not as great as the judges made out.

Natalie was great, easily one of the best in the comp. She will advance without a doubt.

I would like Joe to go through (he might as a wildcard), it would be interesting to hear him sing more stuff. Bizarre voice. He wasn't too good this week though.

Lee did the pop-punk-rock thing well, which was annoying, because I don't think I like him. Might be popular with the kidz though.

Dan has a great voice. Another of the nights best. I hope he gets through.

Emily's performance was good solid stuff, and I can see her in the top 12 as well. Funky is cool.

James was good too! I think he and Dan will be a shoe in, simply because they need more guys in the top 12.

The standard this week was probably the best yet. Last weeks was much lower than the first week and this week.
Much better group than last week's. Dan was the standout for me, with Leah second. I don't like Lee - maybe it's the modern punk thing and how it doesn't sound like punk, I dunno, but he just doesn't work for me.

No idea why the judges liked Natalie so much. I thought she was boring and pitchy and just... if it was Insomnia Idol she'd be a shoo-in.
Dan was the definite winner. Surprised the fuck out of me. When I heard he was doing Otis ("...dis is Otis" - Duckie) I was like: "You didn't." but he pulled it off!

Very impressed.
Roxxy'll get in. I think James deserved to get in, he sang well with only a few bad notes.

I was surprised Lauren got in over Leah actually. I thought Leah was much better.

I'm just shit happy that Dan England got in. I always seem to get for Dan's in these competitions. Daniel Hamill for Popstars Live, Dan... classical singer for Aussie Idol and Dan England.
I hate women who sing with big trills and then the low tones and such, like that midget chick in the dress that looked shithouse. It makes them sound retarded, you don't hear Beth Gibbons doing it, do ya? I just hate the vocal style, if you aren't black, don't fucking do it. Your arse isn't big enough to carry the notes.

Also, that fag who sung the bon jovi song was so shithouse it wasn't funny. What the fuck was going on with him? It was like Robert Smith had a child with Billy Corgan and the result was a tonedeaf,generic goth kid. What the fuck are these people thinking?