Avid cripling HD?

Umm, so you're basically saying it's better to have 2-3 guys working on a product intended for a professional market as a kind of a hobby, than having a big company with lots of employees providing it? I have absolutely nothing against Reaper, it's great for what it is, but I just can't compare it with PT.

Since when did lots of employees equal a good quality product? It just allows for easier mass manufacturing really at the end of the day, in fact less employees usually means a more unobstructed vision can be achieved.

Bit like comparing a Stinnett to a Gibson or something, but yes, apples and oranges, one is mass market the other is more user centric, its perfectly legitimate to voice a preference for either.
Adam, did you install it with the legit PT M-Powered already installed?
My only fear is to lose something in my legit PT

Yup it completely got rid of my legit M-Powered and LE installations but I can install them again no problem if I need to. So far though the M-Powered that was installed instead seems to work just as well if not better than the version I had before! :lol: As long as you are using legit hardware and not using the hardware emulator, everything works exactly as it would normally as far as recording and buffer and stuff goes. So unless I run into any major problems I'm not going to bother putting the other M-Powered on.
Umm, so you're basically saying it's better to have 2-3 guys working on a product intended for a professional market as a kind of a hobby, than having a big company with lots of employees providing it? I have absolutely nothing against Reaper, it's great for what it is, but I just can't compare it with PT.

No offense dude, but I can already see the off-topic and equipment subforums full of your "reaper sucks compared to cubase" topics ;)

I'd say for 2 or 3 guys on their own, most DAW software makers should be ashamed, because their "hobby" has turned into a formidable competitor. Their lack of motivation by money makes it even worse because you'd think those trying to make money off their products would/could do it honestly (and better)...Not by duping their user base but by listening to them and providing them with what they need without extorting more money from them. Maybe it's me, but I'd like to think if someone wants to make money off something, then they should make it better than what's available for a LOT less without additional investments (i.e. hardware necessities).
Since I started this thread I'd like to request that we avoid further discussion into the specific logistics of the crack. I think we have established what it is and what it does so lets please focus on what (if any) implications there are regarding the PT HD system as a whole and on the legitimate userbase.
I just don't want to see this deleted.
Yup it completely got rid of my legit M-Powered and LE installations but I can install them again no problem if I need to. So far though the M-Powered that was installed instead seems to work just as well if not better than the version I had before! :lol: As long as you are using legit hardware and not using the hardware emulator, everything works exactly as it would normally as far as recording and buffer and stuff goes. So unless I run into any major problems I'm not going to bother putting the other M-Powered on.

What about all the plugins (native and 3rd part) already installed, when it got rid of the legit installation? No problems at all?
Since I started this thread I'd like to request that we avoid further discussion into the specific logistics of the crack. I think we have established what it is and what it does so lets please focus on what (if any) implications there are regarding the PT HD system as a whole and on the legitimate userbase.
I just don't want to see this deleted.

Yeah agreed, I'll shut up now! ;)

Let's keep this is a discussion about how this is going to effect PT and any news regarding updates from AVID, etc. No need to talk about the crack itself, the important thing is the implications.
btw, which reminds me: this is old news but anyways:

TEWKSBURY, MA, April 21, 2010 - Avid® today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Mountain View, CA-based Euphonix, a leader in digital audio consoles, media controllers and peripherals. The initial agreement to acquire Euphonix was announced on April 11, 2010. With the acquisition, Avid will deliver a broad range of complementary audio and video control surfaces and consoles designed to meet the needs of customers ranging from the independent professional to the high-end broadcaster. The company plans to maintain full support for both the Euphonix family of products and Avid's existing ICON solutions.
Reaper gets its own pages in Sound On Sound... and has taken a large slice of the DAW market. Of course it can be compared to Pro Tools... and in most situations, it fucking rapes PT's arse and brutalises its mother.
Well something new has to be announced soon... PT 8 has been out for about a year and a half?? No updates, no new products what so ever (except the live desk). Even though its only speculations but it would be nice if they did what the customers demands, and release a Native system... that would really be a biiiiig surprise :) and a brilliant marketing move

I still feel like PT is the best complete daw out there. From editing and especially mixing with its brilliant layout, grouping etc.
Well something new has to be announced soon... PT 8 has been out for about a year and a half?? No updates, no new products what so ever (except the live desk).

There have been updates for stability as there have been major problems with the initial release - just have a read through the Digidesign DUC forums.

i think a lot of people are preparing themselves for a bombshell piece of news like when HDTDM first appeared and took over from MIX TDM

I can just see DSP being placed into the interfaces rather than on cards myself - a la Eleven Rack

I know for a fact that digi are working on new software features for HD to try and distance it from LE and MP

I sold my HD system because i felt it wasnt worth the cost that digi place on it compared to native, the only parts i miss a little bit are PDC (but a lot of the newest really good plugins like McDSP have little or no latency anyway so its easy to make small time adjuster compensations in LE or MP). And Busses - i like to be able to have more than 32 so i can setup a template with every bus i would ever need to save a little bit of time in the work flow.
I think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that PTHD is designed as an integrated system that uses both the software and the DSP cards. You can unlock features of the software but it's not going to behave like an HD system.

Still, I totally agree that Avid needs to join us in 2010 and release a native version of PTHD.
A major reason why its such a closed system is for support, Digidesign want to be able to guarantee their claims on track count and performance so they have to set boundaries on what is qualified for use with PT (its a little more relaxed than it used to be, but they still dont fully support the use of USB external record drives even).

The issure really is that more and more users are finding that they dont need the DSP quite so much as they used to, and can make a more powerful system with a fast CPU and lots of RAM for less money,

Digi are holding on with the skin of they teeth by crippling the features of LE and MP and keeping some non plug in processing like voicing and bussing etc etc in HD on the DSP - which could really be done on the native CPU like LE and MP,
But hey that would be the final nail in the coffin of HD.
Um, yes it is?

http://akmedia.digidesign.com/support/docs/Pro_Tools_HD Accel_36074.pdf

"In practical terms, the use of HD Accel cards result in higher voice counts across all sample rates (44.1 – 192 kHz)"

Samplerate 44.1/48 88.2/96 176.4/192
Pro Tools|HD 96 48 12
Pro Tools|HD Accel 192 96 36
Previous Max 128 64 24


It's under the "number of voices" on hardware options


Cool.... so you are showing that the CARDS/DSP are what are limited there, right? Which is what I said...

The point being anyway that PTHD does what Avid says it can do and always has.
Mixing in PT is actually pretty sweet. If PT had slip editing, played nicely with my external drive and didn't give me "CPU Usage exceeded" errors constantly even when only playing back one track with no plugins, I would go back, I love Pro Tools.
Mixing in PT is actually pretty sweet. If PT had slip editing, played nicely with my external drive and didn't give me "CPU Usage exceeded" errors constantly even when only playing back one track with no plugins, I would go back, I love Pro Tools.

One reason why i couldnt justify the cost of keeping HD but had to keep LE and MP, i find it hard to drop it 100% coz i like it for mixing and i love McDSP pulgins, but its just not stable enough (PT8 at least 7 wasnt too bad).
Just got this pic from a friend with a new macbook i7. He's running the cracked HD on a 82 track project with waves SSL channel and api 2500 on everything


It's sure is tempting to go this way instead of HD :D
Mixing in PT is actually pretty sweet. If PT had slip editing, played nicely with my external drive and didn't give me "CPU Usage exceeded" errors constantly even when only playing back one track with no plugins, I would go back, I love Pro Tools.

as far as i know protools has a slip function