Awful news....don't know how else to say it

Opeth17 said:
"All I can say is if my ideas of salvation are wrong then what did I lose?"

This is the argument I keep hearing whenever I hear someone talk about religion. What the crap kind of faith is that? Believing in something because you have nothing to lose. Taking the chance because your afraid you'll end up in "Hell" otherwise. It seems like these people believe in their religion because of fear of what might happen otherwise. Maybe I'm interpreting it in the wrong way, but it seems like to me, that with nonchalant comments like these, people are currently basing their faith on "Well, why the fuck not? It's worth the gamble." instead of actually believing wholeheartedly in their cause. Not just this guy, but in general these days.
Which is why it's worth persecuting them for a bit to knock a bit of common sense into them. See how much their faith really means to them when it's a choice between that a bullet in the back of the head. Bollocks to religious tolerance.
Posted by Lars Ulrich:

RIP Darrell 12/9/04

This is unbelievable. To sit here and talk about Darrell in the past tense seems so wrong, so unfair, so unjust, I don't even know what to say. My heart goes out to Vinnie, to their families, to the other band members, and to the families and friends of the other people that were killed or injured, in this fucking senseless act of selfishness and stupidity.
In 1985 I was fortunate enough to meet both Darrell and his brother in Dallas on tour. The first thing me and my friend did as soon as that tour was over, was to head straight back to Dallas and hang out with Darrell and Vinnie for a long time, cuz they were the coolest muther fuckers that we had met after criss-crossing the states for three months. That was the beginning of a friendship that was anchored in love, respect, fun, outrageousness, music, booze, sweat, late nights, early mornings, hangovers, headaches, pounding eardrums, sore bodies... the list goes on.

There's a tendency in these fucked up moments to use the word "I" a lot and focus on one's own feelings of pity and shock... so instead let it just be known that thru these eyes Darrell was incredibly warm, open, fun, nutty, forthcoming, talented, embracing, unpretentious, accommodating and he always had a very attractive innocence about him that obviously made him never threatening and always welcoming.

Darrell and his brother were the cornerstone of musical adventures that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to themselves and to their fans, respected by their peers and always true musicians' musicians, and today the rock world is worse off because of this untimely and senseless waste.

Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely.

Gale dodged two band members, grabbed Darrell Abbott and shot him at least five times in the head, witnesses and police said.
man oh man ... that is brutal. i did not know until this that he shot him in the head ... fuck
MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the group's official message board:


"Tonight I had the honor and priveledge to host a special [MTV2 'Headbanger's Ball'] tribute to the life of Darrel 'Dimebag' Abbott.

"I went out to NYC Thursday at 9:30 PM on a redeye to do this, and during the period since then, I have had a good amount of time to reflect on my own life.

"I realized how fortunate I am, and have been to have met some of you, and in some cases become friends with many of you.

"What is bothering me is the people who I have not been able to meet, or worse, have met and ended up not being friends with. There are many.

"I would like to, in honor of Darrel's life, learn from him and how many friends he apparently had made.

"Over my career I have a lot of cleaning up to do on my side of the street as well as letting things go, for once and for all; I need to apologize to many people and also to forgive and quit holding grudges.

"Having said that, if there is something I did to you or someone you know, please give me the opportunity to make this right.

"To SLAYER and METALLICA: I am sorry for whatever I may have done in the past and wish to make it right, to put it behind us. Please let me know how and when we can talk this out.

"To previous bandmembers and managers: I say the same to you.

"To all the MEGADETH/METALLICA fans: from this day forward, there will never be another unkind word from my mouth perpetuating this silly 22-year-old feud.

"And to heavy metal fans around the world: I am going to emulate Dimebag by being more like him; more friendly, and more interested in your lives too, I promise.

"I am grateful to have been asked to come in this hour of darkness to represent us all as we come together and heal as a worldwide music community, and I would be a fraud if I didn't say I need to do more to better represent.

"Thank you in advance for your forgiveness and for your support."