Awful news....don't know how else to say it

well, I emailed that christian assshole off of the ebay listing, and just like I thought... got a typical response..

"Have had lots of Emails from Darrel fans. Hey I like a good guitar player but this guy is not someone to worship. Most say he was a good guy. I disagree. If you are influencing kids to drink booze, party, and enjoy things of Hell then I say he's not such a good guy. I used to do drugs and party too but found out that there is a better way to live and fill that unsatisfied feeling that most fill up with drugs and or booze but after the effects are gone you feel empty again. Yes there are bad people in some religions too. Most religions are bad too. But if you put your trust in the one true god, Jesus Christ, then and only then can you fill that void with love. I was not judging Darrel but only commenting on his choice on where to spend his eternity. All I can say is if my ideas of salvation are wrong then what did I lose? Nothing. I did gain self respect, learned to love all, and have hope for the future and not end up burning in hell for an eternity. Now if I am right, what did you lose? All the names I've been called, all the vulgar words you throw at me just shows how lost and troubled you may be.You don't get into Heaven by just being good. You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savier. Just look around folks, all the bad things aound the world right now were written in the Bible over 2,000 years ago are coming true. If you don't believe me then you must be blinded by the drugs, booze, satan or what ever else you worship. Open your eyes before it's to late. You may have an untimely death like Darrel had and not get another chance. There are only 2 gods, one in charge of the light, one in charge of the dark. I have chosen the light after being in the dark for many years. I'll pray you also can find the light. It is a beautiful thing. Thanks for all the response from all, good and bad."
Before this tragic accident, I'd only heard one Pantera song. Can't remember its name, but the music video is basically the band jamming in some abandoned warehouse of some sort. That song had some pretty killer riffs. Just downloaded and listened through "Vulgar Display Of Power" and "Cowboys From Hell" (didn't like them, traditional heavy metal simply isn't for me), but didn't find that song. Can anyone help me out?
Columbus Ohio - DEATH CITY
Henrik, you're probably looking for I'm Broken from Far Beyond Driven. Yeah Cowboys and and Vulgar are trad. metal, the others are more aggressive / less traditional. Far Beyond Driven is one of those albums where I can say 10/10 OMFG RAWK :explode: BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!11111 :invert: and be telling the absolute truth.

lizard, I unnastann. What my bro said was just a passing comment, not "FUCK PHIL! HE KILLED DIMEBAG!" but "goddammit Phil..." :)
Best things about Pantera that I remember were:

1. Vulgar Display of Power
I remember first buying this CD a little after it came out (and almost getting them mixed up with Sepultura) and liking it. I like Mouth for War, Fucking Hostile and a few others, but it never struck me as a masterpiece. THey did have huge riffs, though.
2. Cowboys From Hell
I really didn't like this one, but that last song was way cool.
3. Great Southern Trendkill
This record blew except for this one ballad (track#3??) that I think was about drugs or something.
Trendkill took me like 4 years to get into, but now I love it. Hell's Wrath is probably my favorite Pantera song, if I had to pick just one.
Nate The Great said:
A special edition of Headbangers Ball, focusing on the life and music of the late Dimebag Darrell will air this Saturday, December 11.

I don't get MTV2 currently. What are the chances of somebody taping this episode for me. I will pay you or give you tons of promos/CDRs/whatever.
I don't know if anyone has already helped you out here Nate, but I'll tape it for you. All I ask in return is that you find a way to dub a 2nd copy and send me the original back. Would that be ok?
Papa Josh said:
"Have had lots of Emails from Darrel fans. Hey I like a good guitar player but this guy is not someone to worship. Most say he was a good guy. I disagree. If you are influencing kids to drink booze, party, and enjoy things of Hell then I say he's not such a good guy. I used to do drugs and party too but found out that there is a better way to live and fill that unsatisfied feeling that most fill up with drugs and or booze but after the effects are gone you feel empty again. Yes there are bad people in some religions too. Most religions are bad too. But if you put your trust in the one true god, Jesus Christ, then and only then can you fill that void with love. I was not judging Darrel but only commenting on his choice on where to spend his eternity. All I can say is if my ideas of salvation are wrong then what did I lose? Nothing. I did gain self respect, learned to love all, and have hope for the future and not end up burning in hell for an eternity. Now if I am right, what did you lose? All the names I've been called, all the vulgar words you throw at me just shows how lost and troubled you may be.You don't get into Heaven by just being good. You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savier. Just look around folks, all the bad things aound the world right now were written in the Bible over 2,000 years ago are coming true. If you don't believe me then you must be blinded by the drugs, booze, satan or what ever else you worship. Open your eyes before it's to late. You may have an untimely death like Darrel had and not get another chance. There are only 2 gods, one in charge of the light, one in charge of the dark. I have chosen the light after being in the dark for many years. I'll pray you also can find the light. It is a beautiful thing. Thanks for all the response from all, good and bad."
Yet another reason why all xtians should be put into death camps and gassed.
(from the second Pantera home video, christian's words paraphrased - Dime's words exact)

Christian fanatic: Satan has you in his grasp!
Dime: Oh yeah... Satan has me alright.
CF: You have to break free and accept Jesus as your saviour!
D: Satan's got me. Satan's got me by the balls. SPECIFICALLY by the LEFT TESTICLE
Ayeka said:
Yet another reason why all xtians should be put into death camps and gassed.
Not all of them. Some are okay. Only the militant fanatic/nontolerant ones... of any religion. :p
Irrational extremist reason. Killing all the religious fanatics would make me a fanatic right? but it'd be fun. :D

Reading back on the article, what Mayhem did for Darrell reminds me of when my friend and I were discussing if we'd take a bullet for the other in our quasi-sisterhood. I said yes... but the opportunity hasn't arisen.
I guess Mayhem proved he meant it... :/
"All I can say is if my ideas of salvation are wrong then what did I lose?"

This is the argument I keep hearing whenever I hear someone talk about religion. What the crap kind of faith is that? Believing in something because you have nothing to lose. Taking the chance because your afraid you'll end up in "Hell" otherwise. It seems like these people believe in their religion because of fear of what might happen otherwise. Maybe I'm interpreting it in the wrong way, but it seems like to me, that with nonchalant comments like these, people are currently basing their faith on "Well, why the fuck not? It's worth the gamble." instead of actually believing wholeheartedly in their cause. Not just this guy, but in general these days.