To J.: This hits us all hard because we live our music. That is the reason why I and many others are here. Maybe it isn't the same for you, but for every album that influences me, it becomes a part of me and my life. Therefore, the artist becomes personally tied into who I am. When an artist who helped build me up to the point that I'm at is senselessly murdered, it takes a piece of me away and obviously that hurts. If Mikael Akerfeldt was shot, your damn right I'd cry and wouldn't sleep, eat or feel anything but pain for days. Yeah, it's terrible when anyone dies and I recognize that, as I appreciate life as much or more than anyone else out there, but I will never deny that when it is someone who has had a profound effect on my life, that it will hurt more. Maybe you find that selfish, but when I listen to Dimebag playing guitar and think about him being gone, its more painful than a 30 second clip on the news about a stranger. Maybe we're all over-reacting in shock of the whole thing, but I've always felt that metalheads and the artists are extremely close no matter what, a brotherhood if you will. I know you don't feel that way and that is the difference.